Friday, December 29, 2023

Swiss Aquatics se rendra aux CM avec six nageurs et nageuses


Pour les Championnats du monde qui se dérouleront à Doha du 2 au 18 février 2024, Swiss Aquatics a sélectionné cinq nageurs et nageuses pour les épreuves en piscine et un nageur pour les épreuves en eau libre. Après que le plongeon a déjà sélectionné ses huit athlètes fin novembre, la délégation suisse pour les World Aquatics Championships est désormais connue au complet.

Une équipe talentueuse, petite mais très forte, se rendra à Doha en février. Les cinq nageurs et nageuses qui participent aux épreuves en piscine ont ainsi remporté 11 médailles lors de championnats internationaux tels que les championnats d'Europe, les championnats du monde ou les Jeux olympiques. Les Genevois Roman Mityukov, médaillé de bronze du 200 m dos aux derniers championnats du monde de Fukuoka, et Jérémy Desplanches, médaillé de bronze du 200 m 4 nages aux Jeux olympiques de Tokyo, la Zurichoise Lisa Mamié, championne d'Europe en titre du 200 m brasse, Antonio Djakovic d'Uster, double vice-champion d'Europe à Rome 2022, et le St. Gallois Marius Toscan, qui a réussi la limite pour ces championnats lors du Swiss Open de Sursee le 15 décembre et pourra ainsi se rendre à ses deuxièmes championnats du monde consécutifs.

Si Antonio Djakovic et Roman Mityukov ont déjà réussi à se qualifier pour les Jeux Olympiques de Paris l'année prochaine, l'objectif déclaré de Lisa Mamié et Jérémy Desplanches est de passer sous cette limite de qualification et de décrocher également leur billet pour Paris.

En eau libre, un seul athlète représentera la Suisse. Christian Schreiber, le seul athlète suisse d'Open Water à s'être établi dans l'élite mondiale, se rendra également à Doha avec l'objectif de se qualifier pour les Jeux de Paris.

Noè Ponti, qui avait écrit l'histoire de son sport lors des championnats d'Europe en petit bassin début décembre en réalisant un triplé en or et en battant le record d'Europe du 100 m papillon, renoncera à ces championnats, comme il l'avait déjà annoncé, afin de pouvoir se consacrer pleinement à la préparation des Jeux de Paris. D'autres stars de la natation ont également pris cette décision et les champions olympiques australiens Ariarne Titmus, Mollie O'Callaghan ou Kyle Chalmers, entre autres, ne seront pas présents à Doha. Pendant ce temps, Ponti effectuera un camp d'entraînement en altitude à St. Moritz avec une petite équipe de neuf athlètes de Swiss Aquatics.

La phase de préparation pour les Championnats du monde a déjà commencé. Les athlètes sont partis hier et aujourd'hui pour Ténériffe afin d'y effectuer un camp d'entraînement dans des conditions optimales, avant de peaufiner leur préparation en Suisse à partir de la mi-janvier.

photo by patrick b. krämer

World Aquatics Training Centre's Coaches Propel Athletes to Higher Echelons


Scholarship swimmers and divers residing and training at six locations across four continents are thriving, seizing opportunities along their quest to compete in Doha and Paris in 2024.

You might call it the ‘United Nations’ of Aquatics.

From Cuba to India, Sri Lanka to Serbia, a vastly diverse group of swimmers and divers are benefiting from the tutelage of elite coaches and honing their abilities at six World Aquatics Training Centres. The elite-level training centres provide top-notch facilities for athletes in the World Aquatics Scholarship Programme, now in its 10th year.


The highly-esteemed French coach Frédéric Vergnoux – who has coached swimmers at five Olympics as head of the British, Spanish and Belgian national teams – recently took the helm as Executive Director at the Cercle des Nageurs d’Antibes (CN Antibes), helping to launch the programme’s newest training centre.

Vergnoux says the international diversity provides for an entirely new challenge, unlike any previous over his numerous years of coaching elite-level swimming.

“Every single day, every single practice when I come poolside, I’m like this is just amazing – the culture we have here around the pool is so unique, the value of the program and the experience of each of the swimmers, it’s all pretty special,” says Vergnoux.

In the elite program at CN Antibes, there are 12 scholarship athletes among the group of 16 international swimmers, spanning 15 countries.

“It is demanding because I coach in four languages – English, French, Spanish and a little bit of Russian,” Vergnoux says. “It’s not easy covering the needs of all the swimmers.”

While the program’s mission is ambitious and demanding, the end goal is rather straightforward – preparing athletes to prosper at the upcoming World Aquatics Championships - Doha 2024 and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.

“No matter what country they come from, whatever they race, for every single swimmer it’s the same – to represent their countries at the highest level, whether it be at the worlds in Doha or Olympics in France,” Vergnoux says. “They all get along together and it’s really just beautiful.”

The World Aquatics Scholarship Program targets athletes who have displayed strong international potential, providing financial support and expert technical knowledge to those lacking sufficient training opportunities in their home countries.

Vergnoux says coaching athletes from less developed swimming nations is especially rewarding. The veteran French coach expresses his excitement having witnessed 19-year-old Gabriel Martinez of Honduras swimming to national records at the World Aquatics Championships in Fukuoka, Japan and CAC Games last summer.

Rising young talents like Martinez are also benefiting from interaction with top world-class swimmers training in Antibes, notably French Olympic champion Florent Manaudou, among others.

“The level of the programme is so high because it’s not just these 12 from World Aquatics training here,” Vergnoux says. “It is a powerful situation and everyone embraces it.”

122 athlete scholarships are part of the one-year scholarship programme implemented across six designated World Aquatics Training Centers in Antibes, Budapest, Toronto; Davie; Phuket; and at Bond University on Australia’s Gold Coast, and some are training under the supervision of the National Federations.



Le samedi 23 décembre 2023, à la Piscine camp militaire Bel Air à Dakar


Piscine C. Bel Air - Petit bassin – 23/12/2023


1er Saint Louis Water-Polo

2e Rufisque Water-Polo

3e Banlieue Natation Club (BNC)

4e Olympique de Ngor (O NGOR)

Swiss Aquatics reist mit sechs Schwimmer innen an die WM


Für die Weltmeisterschaften in Doha vom 02.-18. Februar 2024 selektioniert Swiss Aquatics fünf Schwimmer:innen für die Poolwettkämpfe und einen Schwimmer für jene im offenen Gewässer. Nachdem bereits Ende November die Sportart Wasserspringen seine acht Athlet:innen nominiert hatte, steht nun die gesamte Schweizer Delegation für die World Aquatics Championships fest.

Ein kleines, aber sehr starkes, talentiertes Team wird im Februar nach Doha reisen. So holten die fünf Schwimmer:innen der Poolwettkämpfe insgesamt bereits 11 Medaillen an internationalen Meisterschaften wie EM, WM oder Olympischen Spielen. Im Team dabei sein werden die Genfer Roman Mityukov, der an der vergangenen WM in Fukuoka die Bronzemedaille über 200m Rücken gewann, und Jérémy Desplanches, Bronzemedaillengewinner der Olympischen Spiele von Tokyo über 200m Lagen, die Zürcherin Lisa Mamié, amtierende Europameisterin über 200m Brust, Antonio Djakovic aus Uster, Doppelvizeeuropameister von Rom 2022, und der St. Galler Marius Toscan, der an den Swiss Open in Sursee am 15. Dezember die Limite für diese Meisterschaft noch unterbot und so an seine zweiten WM infolge reisen darf.

Haben Antonio Djakovic und Roman Mityukov die Qualifikation für die Olympischen Spiele von Paris im kommenden Jahr bereits geschafft, ist es das erklärte Ziel von Lisa Mamié und Jérémy Desplanches diese Qualifikationslimite zu unterbieten und ebenfalls das Ticket nach Paris zu lösen.

Im offenen Gewässer wird lediglich ein Athlet die Schweiz repräsentieren. Christian Schreiber, der aktuell einzige Open Water Athlet aus der Schweiz, der sich an der Weltspitze etablieren konnte, reist ebenfalls mit dem Ziel nach Doha sich für die Spiele in Paris zu qualifizieren.

Noè Ponti, der an der Kurzbahn-EM Anfang Dezember Sportgeschichte geschrieben hatte mit seinem Goldtriple und dem Europarekord über 100m Schmetterling, wird wie bereits kommuniziert auf diese Meisterschaften verzichten, um sich voll und ganz der Vorbereitung auf die Spiele in Paris widmen zu können. Diese Entscheidung trafen auch andere Topstars der Schwimmszene und so werden unter anderem die australischen Olympiasieger:innen Ariarne Titmus, Mollie O'Callaghan oder Kyle Chalmers in Doha fehlen. Ponti wird stattdessen zusammen mit einem kleinen Team von neun Swiss Aquatics Athlet:innen ein Höhentrainingslager in St. Moritz absolvieren.

Die Vorbereitungsphase für die Weltmeisterschaften wurde bereits eingeläutet. Die Athlet:innen sind gestern beziehungsweise heute nach Teneriffa gereist um dort unter besten Bedingungen ein Trainingslager absolvieren zu können, bevor ab Mitte Januar in der Schweiz der letzte Feinschliff geholt werden wird.

Roman Mityukov Foto: Patrick B. Krämer

Sunday, December 24, 2023


Open water swimming is starting again! The FrancisSwim database contains many Open Water Swimming events for 2024. So whether you’re new to the sport and looking to try outdoor swimming at a local lake or an experienced open water swimmer looking for a challenging long distance sea swim, check out our comprehensive 2024 open water swimming event list below: you’ll find a race that’s perfect for YOU! TO PUBLISH YOUR EVENT SEND EMAIL TO


4-fev Maratona Aquatica de Piçarras Balneario Piçarras-SC 4k 2k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

4-fev Maratona Aquática SESC Verão Santos-SP 2k 800m 400m SESC-SP

17-fev Trav Javier Duran Grumari-RJ 5.4k MASF EVENTOS - INSCRIÇÃO MASF (

22-fev Rainha do Mar (*) a definir Rei&Rainha do Mar Home - Rei e Rainha do Mar 

23 e 24-fev Campeonato Mundial Masters de Águas Abertas Doha-Qatar 3k World Aquatics Competition Schedule2 ( 

24 e 25-fev Oceanman Argentina Neuquen-Argentina 11k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - Neuquén - Argentina (

25-fev 2ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas São Sebastião-SP 4k 2k e 800m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

25-fev Volta do Capivari Represa do Capivari-PR 10k 5k 2.5k 1.5k 800m 200m Correr&Nadar 

25-fev 1ª etapa Circuito TH5 Performance Run Travessia Praia do Indiá-Bertioga-SP TH5 Eventos TH5 Eventos | Corridas, Aquathlon, Travessias e Eventos Esportivos

25-fev 7o Desafio Entre-Mares Araranguá-SC 7k 4k 3k Desafios Fernandes Desafios Fernandes (@desafiosfernandes) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram 


2 e 03-mar 1ª etapa Circuito Mares (*) a definir Circuito Mares Maratonas Aquaticas | Circuito Mares | Brasil 

2-mar Volta da Ilha de Porto Belo Porto Belo -SC 11k 5.6k Correr&Nadar 

2 e 3-mar 1ª etapa Circuito Ocean Garopaba-SC PDA esportes Circuito Ocean | Natação em Águas Abertas | Santa Catarina (

3-mar Volta de Porto Belo Porto Belo -SC 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

9-mar Maratona Aquatica de 1o de Maio 1o De Maio-PR 10k 5k Correr&Nadar 

10-mar Volta de 1o de Maio 1o De Maio-PR 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

10-mar 2ª etapa 16º Circuito Netuno de Travessias Praia dos Milionários-São Vicente-SP YPS promoções e Eventos Calendário – Yps promoções e eventos (

17-mar 3ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas Paraibuna-SP 4k 2k e 900m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

17-mar Maratona Aquatica de Penha Penha-SC 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar

17-mar 1ª etapa Circuito Viva RS (*) a definir Mais Travessias Quem somos – Mais Travessias 

22 a 24-mar Aloha Spirit-Abertura Ilhabela-SP Aloha Spirit Home - Aloha Spirit 

24-mar Desafio Nade por Árvores Porto Alegre-RS Nadando pelos Cartões Postais FrancisSwim – Tudo sobre o Mundo da Natação!


30 e 31-mar Oceanman Brasil Salvador-BA 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - SALVADOR BAHÍA · BRAZIL ( 


6-abr Ulramaratona Aquatica da ilha do mel Ilha do Mel-PR 23k 13k 7k Correr&Nadar

6 e 7-abr 2ª etapa Circuito Ocean Florianópolis-SC PDA esportes Circuito Ocean | Natação em Águas Abertas | Santa Catarina (

6 e 7-abr Aquaman Capitólio Capitólio-MG 10k 4k 1k 200m Desafios Aquamundo

7-abr Volta do Farol Ilha do Mel-PR 2.5k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar

14-abr 4ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas Natividade da Serra-SP 4k 2k e 800m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

14-abr Volta de Zimbros Zimbros-SC 3.6k 1.8k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar

14-abr Circuito MASF Angra dos Reis-RJ 2.5k 1250m 500m MASF EVENTOS - INSCRIÇÃO MASF (

14-abr 2ª etapa Circuito TH5 Performance Run Travessia Praia do Indiá-Bertioga-SP TH5 Eventos TH5 Eventos | Corridas, Aquathlon, Travessias e Eventos Esportivos

20-abr Volta de Campo Mourao Campo Mourao-PR 5k Correr&Nadar 

21-abr Maratona Aquatica de Campo Mourao Campo Mourao-PR 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

21-abr 3o Desafio Noturno de Natação Araranguá-SC 1.5k Desafios Fernandes Desafios Fernandes (@desafiosfernandes) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram

27-abr Ultramaratona Rio Itapanhaú Bertioga-SP 15k Associação 14Bis 

27 e 28-abr Oceanman Colombia Guatape-Colômbia 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - Guatapé - Colombia (

28-abr Maratona Aquatica da Enseada Enseada São Francisco do Sul-SC 3k 1.5k 600 200m Correr&Nadar 


4 e 5-mai 2ª etapa Circuito Mares (*) a definir Circuito Mares Maratonas Aquaticas | Circuito Mares | Brasil 

4-mai 1ª etapa Circuito Marnaton Formentera-Espanha MARNATON MARNATON - Natación en aguas abiertas 

5-mai Fuga da Ilha Feia Penha-SC 2.5k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

5-mai Volta do Parcel Juquehy-SP Circuito Aqua Circuito Aqua – 2024 

5-mai 2ª etapa Circuito Viva RS Arambaré-RS Mais Travessias Quem somos – Mais Travessias 

11 e 12-mai Oceanman Espanha Costa Azahar-Espanha 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - Costa Azahar · Spain (

17 a 19-mai Aloha Spirit Grand Slam Saquarema-RJ Aloha Spirit Home - Aloha Spirit 

18-mai 2ª etapa Circuito Marnaton Barcelona-Espanha MARNATON MARNATON - Natación en aguas abiertas 

19-mai Maratona Aquatica de Itapema Itapema-SC 3k 1.5k 600m Correr&Nadar 

17 a 19-mai El Cruce del Moreno Cancun-México 10k 3.8k 1.9k El Cruce OWS Official El Cruce OWS Official 

19-mai III Traversata Creusa de mare Genova-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

25 e 26-mai Oceanman Italia Cattolica-Emilia Romana-Itália 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - Cattolica Emilia Romagna · Italy (

26-mai 3ª etapa 16º Circuito Netuno de Travessias Praia dos Milionários-São Vicente-SP YPS promoções e Eventos Calendário – Yps promoções e eventos ( 


01 e 02/06 Le Défi de Monte-Cristo

1 e 2 -jun IV Traversata delle Eolie Vulcano-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

1-jun UltraOceanman Espanha Tabarca-Espanha 21k Oceanman Home - Tabarca · Spain ( 


8-jun 5ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas Ilhabela-SP 4k 2k e 750m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

8-jun 3ª etapa Circuito Marnaton Begur-Espanha MARNATON MARNATON - Natación en aguas abiertas 



15 e 16-jun Aquaman Nada&Rema Ilha Anchieta Ilha Anchieta-Ubatuba-SP Desafios Aquamundo Travessias e Desafios Aquaman | Para TODOS e para SEMPRE

16-jun IX Traversata dei Pioneri Monate-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

21/06 Neon Night Swim Coimbra, Portugal


23-jun 3ª etapa Circuito TH5 Performance Run Travessia Praia do Indiá-Bertioga-SP TH5 Eventos TH5 Eventos | Corridas, Aquathlon, Travessias e Eventos Esportivos

29 e 30-jun 3ª etapa Circuito Mares (*) a definir Circuito Mares Maratonas Aquaticas | Circuito Mares | Brasil 

29-jun 4ª etapa Circuito Marnaton Saint Feliu-Espanha MARNATON MARNATON - Natación en aguas abiertas 

29 e 30 -jun I Traversata di Ulisse Gaeta-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

29 e 30-jun Oceanman Ucrania Kiev-Ucrânia 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - KYIV · UKRAINE ( 



6-jul 6ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas Caraguatatuba-SP 4k 2k e 750m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

07/LUG SIRACUSA GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water

14-jul II Traversata del Paradiso Camogi-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

27-jul Mega Maratona Rio Itapanhaú Bertioga-SP 21k Associação 14Bis 

27 e 28-jul Oceanman Kazakhstan Almaty Kapchagay-Kazakhstan 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - Almaty Kapchagay · Kazakhstan (


28/LUG CEFALU GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water


3 e 4-ago Oceanman Cozumel Cozumel-Mexico 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - Cozumel · México (

4-ago VIII Traversata dei Castelli Maccagno-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

10 e 11-ago Oceanman Colombia San Andres-Colômbia 10k 5k 2k 500m Oceanman Home - San Andrés - Colombia (

17-ago Circuito MASF Angra dos Reis-RJ 2.5k 1250m 500m MASF EVENTOS - INSCRIÇÃO MASF (

25/AGO MILAZZO GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water

25-ago Desafio Jacanoá Brasília-DF 33k Jacanoá-Tiago Sato Jacanoá – Site voltado para a natação em águas abertas (

25-ago 4ª etapa Circuito TH5 Performance Run Travessia Praia do Indiá-Bertioga-SP TH5 Eventos TH5 Eventos | Corridas, Aquathlon, Travessias e Eventos Esportivos 

30 e 31-ago TrygFonden Christiansborg Rundt Canais de Christiansborg-Copenhaguen-Dinamarca 10k 2k 1k 4x500 copenhagenswim Calendário desportivo - TrygFonden Christiansborg Tour 2024 (

 31/AGO TERRASINI GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water


1-set I Tritico del nord Caldonazo-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

8-set Quebra Gelo Caioba-PR 3.5k 2k 700m Correr&Nadar 

15/SET AVOLA GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water

15-set 4ª etapa 16º Circuito Netuno de Travessias Praia dos Milionários-São Vicente-SP YPS promoções e Eventos Calendário – Yps promoções e eventos (

15-set IX Traversata del Capo Noli-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

20 a 22-set Aloha Spirit Nordeste Maceió-AL Aloha Spirit Home - Aloha Spirit 

21 e 22-set Ultra & Marathon Swim, Swim Challenge Cascais Cascais-Portugal 20k 10k 5k 3.8k 1.9k 1k 3 Iron Sport 3 Iron Sports | criamos experiências únicas de triatlo.

21-set 5ª etapa Circuito Marnaton Cadaques-Espanha MARNATON MARNATON - Natación en aguas abiertas

21 e 22-set IV Traversata dei bastioni Peschiera-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (

21-set Limpe o Lago Guaíba Porto Alegre-RS Nadando pelos Cartões Postais FrancisSwim – Tudo sobre o Mundo da Natação!

22-set Tríade (*) a definir 2.5k 1.5k 1k Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

28 a 29-set Aloha Regional Caraguatatuba-SP Aloha Spirit Home - Aloha Spirit 

28 e 29-set 4ª etapa Circuito Mares (*) a definir Circuito Mares Maratonas Aquaticas | Circuito Mares | Brasil

28-set Maratona Aquatica de Ortigueira Ortigueira-PR 10k 5k Correr&Nadar 

28 a 29-set 3ª etapa Circuito Ocean Piçarras-SC PDA esportes Circuito Ocean | Natação em Águas Abertas | Santa Catarina (

28 e 29-set UltraOceanman Italia Palermo-Sicilia-Itália 25k Oceanman Home - Palermo, Sicily · Italy (

29/SET PALERMO GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water

29-set Volta da Ilha de Ortigueira Ortigueira-PR 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 



5 e 6-out VI Traversata di Nettuno Ischia-Itália Competições de Natação em Águas Abertas | TOUR ITALIANO EM ÁGUAS ABERTAS (


05/10 Travessia da Baía de Sesimbra Portugal

5 e 6-out Oceanman Curaçao Curaçao 10k 5k 2k 300m Oceanman Home - Curaçao (

6-out Volta da Laje do Jacques Balneario Piçarras-SC 4k 2k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

6-out Circuito MASF Mangaratiba-RJ 2.5k 1250m 500m MASF EVENTOS - INSCRIÇÃO MASF (

12-out 6ª etapa Circuito Marnaton Ibiza-Espanha MARNATON MARNATON - Natación en aguas abiertas

13-out Triangulo de Bombas Bombinhas-SC 9.5k solo e revezamento trio Correr&Nadar 

13-out 5ª etapa 16º Circuito Netuno de Travessias Praia dos Milionários-São Vicente-SP YPS promoções e Eventos Calendário – Yps promoções e eventos (

19 e 20-out Aquaman Praia da Cocanha Praia da Cocanha-Caraguatatuba-SP 7k 3k 1.5k 200m Desafios Aquamundo Travessias e Desafios Aquaman | Para TODOS e para SEMPRE (*) a definir Aloha Paradise Fernando de Noronha-PE Aloha Spirit Home - Aloha Spirit 

20-out Reveza 7000m Represa do Capivari-PR 7k e revezamento equipe Correr&Nadar 

26-out 14 Bis Bertioga-SP 24k Associação 14Bis 

27-out 7ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas (*) a definir 4k 2k e 900m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

27-out Volta de Zimbros Zimbros-SC 10k 5k Correr&Nadar 

27-out 5ª etapa Circuito TH5 Performance Run Travessia Praia do Indiá-Bertioga-SP TH5 Eventos TH5 Eventos | Corridas, Aquathlon, Travessias e Eventos Esportivos  


9-nov 5k de Volta Grande Rio Negrinho-SC 5k Correr&Nadar 

9 e 10-nov Barbados Open Water Festival Carlisle Bay-Barbados 10k 5k 3.3k 1.5k Barbados Openwater Festival Barbados Open Water Festival - Barbados Open Water Festival - Superb & Social Swimming

9 e 10-nov Fuga da Ilha Grande Angra dos Reis-RJ 13k MASF EVENTOS - INSCRIÇÃO MASF (

9 e 10-nov 4ª etapa Circuito Ocean Itapema-SC PDA esportes Circuito Ocean | Natação em Águas Abertas | Santa Catarina (

10-nov Maratona aquatica de Volta Grande Rio Negrinho-SC 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

23-nov Revezamento Caraguatatuba x Ilhabela Caraguatatuba-SP 22km Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática (

23 e 24-nov 5ª etapa Circuito Mares (*) a definir Circuito Mares Maratonas Aquaticas | Circuito Mares | Brasil

24-nov 8ª etapa-Circuito Paulista de Maratonas Aquaticas Ilhabela-SP 4k 2k e 800m Maratona Aquática-Igor de Souza Calendário - Maratona Aquática ( 24-nov Entre Ilhas de Palmas Gov Celso Ramos-SC 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

24-nov Desafio 252 anos de Porto Alegre Porto Alegre-RS Nadando pelos Cartões Postais FrancisSwim – Tudo sobre o Mundo da Natação!

30-nov Maratona Aquatica de Alagados Represa de Alagados-PR 10k 5k Correr&Nadar 


1-dez Volta de Alagados Represa de Alagados-PR 3k 1.5k 600m 200m Correr&Nadar 

1-dez Fuga das Ilhas Barra do Sahy-SP Circuito Aqua Circuito Aqua – 2024 

1-dez 3ª etapa Circuito Viva RS (*) a definir Mais Travessias Quem somos – Mais Travessias 

7 e 8-dez Rei & Rainha do Mar Copacabana-RJ 10k 5k 2.5k 1k Rei&Rainha do Mar Home - Rei e Rainha do Mar 

8-dez Semana da Marinha São Franciso do Sul-SC 3k 1.5k 600m Correr&Nadar 

8-dez 6ª etapa Circuito TH5 Performance Run Travessia Praia do Indiá-Bertioga-SP TH5 Eventos TH5 Eventos | Corridas, Aquathlon, Travessias e Eventos Esportivos 14 e

15-dez 5ª etapa Circuito Ocean Palhoça-SC PDA esportes Circuito Ocean | Natação em Águas Abertas | Santa Catarina (

15-dez 6ª etapa 16º Circuito Netuno de Travessias Praia dos Milionários-São Vicente-SP YPS promoções e Eventos Calendário – Yps promoções e eventos (

26-jan 7ª etapa 16º Circuito Netuno de Travessias Praia dos Milionários-São Vicente-SP YPS promoções e Eventos Calendário – Yps promoções e eventos (







GRAN PRIX Sicilia Open Water

fonte de informações: NICOLAU SERRA

Saturday, December 16, 2023

SWISS AQUATICS Neuer Schweizerrekord für Reef Levet über 50m Brust


photo by patrick b. krämer

An den VERWAG Immobilien Swiss Open 2023 in Sursee stellte der 20-jährige Berner einen neuen Schweizerrekord über 50m Brust auf.

Im heutigen Vorlauf über 50m Brust stellte Reef Levet, der bereits mehrerer Schweizermeistertitel über diese Distanz feiern konnte, einen neuen Schweizerrekord auf. Mit seiner Zeit von 27.63s verbesserte er den Rekord von Martin Schweizer aus dem Jahr 2015 um 14 Hundertstelsekunden.

SWIM IRELAND Bailey Sets Two New Irish Junior Records on Day Two of Irish Winter Championships


Swim Ireland’s Irish National Winter Championships continued at the Sport Ireland National Aquatic Centre today with Evan Bailey setting another two Irish records while Danielle Hill, Ellen Walshe, Victoria Catterson and Eoin Corby added to their national titles from the opening day of competition.

Evan Bailey continued his record-breaking form, with two new Irish junior records in the 50m Butterfly, adding to the two 100m Freestyle Irish junior records he broke on Friday. Bailey first broke Paddy Johnston’s 2019 time of 24.02 in the heats, with a time of 23.84. The 18-year-old lowered that time again in the final to place third in 23.61. National Centre Dublin swimmers Calum Bain and Shane Ryan won gold and silver in 23.19 and 23.26, respectively.

Thirty minutes later, Bailey was back in the pool to claim victory in the 200m Freestyle Final, touching in 1:44.50 ahead of National Centre Limerick’s Jeremy Bagshaw (1:45.14) who won commemorative silver. Finn McGeever won national silver in 1:47.31, while National Centre Dublin’s Danny Morgan (1:49.09) won bronze.

Larne’s Danielle Hill added a third title to the two she won on the opening night of competition, in the 100m Backstroke. Hill, who had set a new Irish record of 57.56 in the event just last week, clocked 58.16, winning gold ahead of National Centre Ulster’s Lottie Cullen (58.41) and Ellen Walshe (59.22).

Walshe starred with a further two titles of her own Saturday. The 400m Individual Medley European bronze medallist won the national title in the same event in 4:41.25 after claiming 50m Butterfly gold earlier in the evening in 26.03.

In the 400m Individual Medley Banbridge’s Alana Burns-Atkin won silver in 4:58.15, while bronze went to Limerick’s Hannah O’Connor 4:59.25. Hill was second in the 50m Butterfly in 26.25 ahead of Ards’ Emma Reid (27.06).

In the women’s 200m Freestyle Final, Victoria Catterson added to the 800m Freestyle title she won on Friday coming home first in 1:56.41, just outside the Irish record of 1:55.90 she set at the European Short Course Championships last week. Walshe (1:59.17) and Grace Davison (1:59.70) were the only other swimmers under the two-minute mark, claiming silver and bronze.

In the Men’s 100m Backstroke Final, NAC’s Matthew Walsh Hussey touched in 54.31 to win his first national title of the weekend, ahead of National Centre Limerick’s Neddie Irwin (55.61), and Swim Belfast’s Brandon Biss (55.66).

Ellie McCartney won her first gold of the weekend in a dominant display in the 200m Breaststroke. The National Centre Limerick swimmer won in 2:25.31 ahead of Shark’s Niamh Connery (2:31.30) and Portmarnock’ s Ava Jones (2:31.76). In the men’s final National Centre Dublin’s Eoin Corby won his second gold of the meet clocking 2:07.67; Tuam’s Uiseann Cooke won silver in 2:10.12 with Terenure’s Liam O’Connor completing the podium in 2:11.49.

Ella Carroll cruised to victory in the women’s 1500m Freestyle Final. The National Centre Limerick swimmer stopped the clock at 17:06.20 and had twenty seconds to spare over Jessika Robson who claimed commemorative silver in 17:29.29. Kilkenny’s Nessa Godden won national silver in 17:42.54, with bronze going to Slaney Shark’s Katie Prunty (17:49.59).

In the Men’s 1500m Final, Trojan’s Ronan Fahey topped the podium in 15:43.40 ahead of National Centre Limerick team-mates Denis O’Brien (15:51.74) and Daragh Horgan (15:58.13).

The final individual event, of the penultimate day of racing, saw Limerick’s Mark Szaranek home first to claim commemorative gold in the 400m Individual Medley in 4:01.67. Winning the national title, National Centre Limerick’s Jack Cassin was close to breaking Daniel Wiffen’s Irish record of 4:11.05, finishing in 4:11.87. 1500m Freestyle champion Fahey was second in 4:34.69 while 1500m Freestyle bronze medallist Horgan added another bronze to his haul in 4:36.67.

Earlier today, Larne swimmers, Danielle Hill, Morgan Berryman, Thomas Leggett, and Sophie Doran combined to win both the Mixed 200m Medley Relay and Mixed 200m Freestyle Relay. The quartet won the medley relay in 1:45.61 ahead of Limerick (1:48.11) and Ards (1:49.80); Larne then went on to win the freestyle relay in 1:38.03, while silver went to Ards (1:38.42) and bronze to Limerick (1:40.25).


Results: Live Timing or Meet Mobile App (search 2023 Irish National Winter Championships)

Schedule: Heats 9.30am/Finals 5pm

Results Day 2

Women 100m Backstroke: 1st D Hill Larne 58.16 2nd L Cullen National Centre Ulster 58.41 3rd E Walshe Templeogue 59.22

Men 100m Backstroke: 1st M Walsh-Hussey NAC 54.31 2nd N Irwin National Centre Limerick 55.61 3rd B Biss Swim Belfast 55.56

Women 50m Butterfly: 1st E Walshe Templeogue 26.03 2nd D Hill Larne 26.25 3rd E Reid Ards 27.06

Men 50m Butterfly: 1st C Bain National Centre Dublin 23.19 2nd S Ryan National Centre Dublin 23.25 3rd E Bailey New Ross 23.61 IJR

Women 200m Freestyle: 1st V Catterson National Centre Dublin 1:56.41 2nd E Walshe Templeogue 1:59.17 3rd G Davison Ards 1:59.70

Men 200m Freestyle: 1st E Bailey New Ross 1:44.50 2nd J Bagshaw National Centre Limerick 1:45.14 Commemorative 2nd F McGeever National Centre Limerick 1:47.21 3rd D Morgan National Centre Dublin 1:49.09

Women 200m Breaststroke: 1st E McCartney National Centre Limerick 2:25.31 2nd N Connery Shark 2:31.30 3rd A Jones Portmarnock 2:31.76

Men 200m Breaststroke: 1st E Corby National Centre Dublin 2:07.67 2nd U Cooke Tuam 2:10.12 3rd L O’Connor Terenure 2:11.49

Women 400m IM: 1st E Walshe Templeogue 4:41.25 2nd A Burns Atkin Banbridge 4:58.15 3rd H O’Connor Limerick 4:59.25

Men 400m IM: 1st M Szaranek Limerick 4:01.64 Commemorative 1st J Cassin National Centre Limerick 4:11.87 2nd R Fahey Trojan 4:34.69 3rd D Horgan National Centre Limerick 4:36.67

Women 1500m Freestyle: 1st E Carroll National Centre Limerick 17:06.20 2nd J Robson Lisburn 17:29.29 Commemorative 2nd N Godden Kilkenny 17:42.54 3rd K Prunty Slaney Sharks 17:49.59

Men 1500m Freestyle: 1st R Fahey Trojan 15:43.40 2nd D O’Brien National Centre Limerick 15:51.74 3rd D Horgan National Centre Limerick 15:58.13

Mixed 200m Medley Relay: 1st Larne 1:46.39 2nd Limerick 1:48.11 3rd Ards 1:49.80

Mixed 200m Freestyle Relay: 1st Larne 1:38.03 2nd Ards 1:38.42 3rd Limerick 1:40.35


SWISS AQUATICS Nouveau record de Suisse du 50 m brasse pour Reef Levet

photo by patrick b. krämer

Lors du VERWAG Immobilien Swiss Open 2023 à Sursee, le Bernois de 20 ans a établi un nouveau record de Suisse sur 50m brasse.

Lors des séries du 50 m brasse d'aujourd'hui, Reef Levet, qui a déjà remporté plusieurs titres de champion suisse sur cette distance, a établi un nouveau record de Suisse. Avec un temps de 27.63s, il a amélioré le record de Martin Schweizer, établi en 2015, de 14 centièmes de seconde.

Serbia confirmed as host for the 2024 European Aquatics Championships

37th edition of the competition due to take place between 10-23 June

European Aquatics is pleased to announce that the next edition of the European Aquatics Championships will take place in Belgrade, Serbia, on 10-23 June 2024.

The flagship event will feature artistic swimming, diving, open water and pool swimming during 14 days of competition.

It is scheduled with the intention of providing athletes from across the continent with the perfect opportunity to further their preparations for the Olympic Games.

For some it will serve as a final major chance to achieve qualification targets for Paris 2024, whilst it shall also present other competitors with key development opportunities.

The sport disciplines will take place in the following order:

10-13 June Open Water Swimming

10-14 June Artistic Swimming

17-23 June Swimming and Diving

The swimming competition extends until the 23 June, which is precisely the end of the qualification period for the Olympic Games in Paris.

European Aquatics is also delighted to reveal that masters athletes will have the opportunity to compete in the same venues following the conclusion of the elite championships. Those events are due to take place between 25 June and 5 July 2024 for all disciplines including Water Polo.


President Antonio Silva said:

“On behalf of European Aquatics, we are delighted to announce that the European Aquatics Championships will take place next year from 10-23 of June, prior to the Olympic Games. With the geopolitical challenges Europe is currently facing, it has been a real challenge to find a new home after the postponement of the event in the original host city of Kazan. I would like to extend my sincere appreciation to the Serbian Swimming Association, led by President Boris Drobac, and the Serbian Government for its outstanding commitment and support, as well as to colleagues from the European Aquatics Bureau and Office who have worked tirelessly to ensure that this major championships could take its place on the 2024 Calendar.”


1st Vice President Josip Varvodic said:

Thank you Serbia, on behalf of European aquatics and myself, for appreciating the importance of this event and taking on the task of organizing a European Aquatics Championships with just six months’ preparation time.

I have to specially mention my bureau colleague Vanja Udovicic, one of the best waterpolo players of his era, who recognized the importance of this event for European Aquatics and gave his unconditional support.

Having won gold medals in waterpolo at the last two Olympic Games, Serbia has a deep appreciation for aquatic sports, as well as top athletes, and we can look forward to seeing them compete at the upcoming European Aquatic Championships on home ground.

It remains for me to invite everyone to join us from 10 June until 5 July in Serbia, a country that loves and values sport, to enjoy a month full of thrilling aquatic competition. 

Friday, December 15, 2023

SWIM IRELAND Hill, Walshe, Bailey and Davison Continue Charge on Irish Record Books


Swim Ireland’s Irish Winter Championships got underway at the Sport Ireland National Aquatic Centre today with over five hundred swimmers from seventy-seven clubs competing in the final meet of 2023.

On the opening night, Danielle Hill and Ellen Walshe starred with new Irish senior records while Grace Davison and Evan Bailey set new Irish junior standards.

Fourteen of the team who competed at the European Short Course Swimming Championships in Romania are in action over the three-day meet including bronze medallist Walshe, Irish record breakers Hill, Bailey, Davison, Victoria Catterson, Tom Fannon, and John Shortt; Shane Ryan, Oisin Tebite, Dylan Registe, Liam O’Connor, Maria Godden, Ellie McCartney, and Erin Riordan.

After setting six new Irish records in the 50m Freestyle and 50m and 100m Backstroke at the European Championships last week, Danielle Hill smashed her own 2019 Irish 100m Freestyle record of 53.81 in 53.03. In fifth place Grace Davison broke her own Irish junior record, set last month, of 55.35, in 55.09. Ellen Walshe claimed silver in the final in 53.95 and Victoria Catterson bronze in 54.38.

Earlier in the night Hill had won the 50m Backstroke in 26.67 ahead of Walshe (27.21) and National Centre Ulster’s Lottie Cullen (27.24).

Ellen Walshe, who won bronze in the 400m Individual Medley in Romania last week, continued her fine form, lowering the 200m Individual Medley record she set just six days ago, from 2:08.50 to 2:08.32, claiming gold and her first national title of the week. Ellie McCartney, who starred in the 200m IM Final in Romania with Walshe, was second in 2:10.98, followed by Ards’ Grace Davison (2:15.11).

Evan Bailey broke the Men’s 100m Freestyle Irish junior record twice today. The 18-year-old first broke Jack McMillan’s 2018 record of 48.17 in the heats clocking 48.16. The New Ross swimmer then went on to dip under the forty-eight second mark for the first time in the final in 47.86, to claim gold and the national title. Silver went to National Centre Dublin’s Danny Morgan in 48.86 and bronze to Larne’s Thomas Leggett in 49.45.

Shane Ryan won today’s opening event, the Men’s 50m Backstroke. Ryan touched in 23.79 ahead of Tallaght’s David O’Loughlin (24.85) and NAC’s Matthew Walsh-Hussey (25.54).

Victoria Catterson, who broke the 12-year-old 200m Freestyle Irish Record in Romania last week, won the 800m Freestyle in 8:45.37 followed by Templeogue’s Holly McInerney (8:58.27) and National Centre Limerick’s Ella Carroll (8:59.57).

In the Men’s 800m Freestyle, National Centre Limerick’s Denis O’Brien posted the fastest time clocking 8:08.92. Trojan’s Ronan Fahey claimed silver in 8:12.12, with bronze going to O’Brien’s NCL team-mate Darragh Horgan (8:21.24).

Eoin Corby and Liam O’Connor were the only swimmers under the minute mark in the Men’s 100m Breaststroke Final. National Centre Dublin’s Corby got the touch in 58.54 ahead Terenure’s O’Connor (59.82). Tuam’s Uiseann Cooked completed the podium in 1:00.17.

In the women’s final National Centre Dublin’s Niamh Coyne topped the podium in 1:06.59, followed closely by National Centre Limerick’s Ellie McCartney (1:06.83) and Portmarnock’s Ava Jones (1:09.30).

National Centre Limerick’s Jack Cassin (1:55.21) and Brogan McAviney (2:00.01) were the top two swimmers’ home in the men’s 200m Butterfly final, with Glenalbyn’s Sean Donnellan third in 2:01.75.

Alana Burns-Atkin of Banbridge cruised to victory in the women’s 200m Butterfly final clocking 2:13.31 ahead of New Ross’ Eva Bayley (2:19.46) and Lurgan’s Hannah McCabrey (2:23.01).

In the final individual event of the night, the men’s 200m Individual Medley, Mark Szaranek was first home in 1:53.10 to receive a commemorative gold medal. Banbridge’s Jacob Armon won the national title in 2:00.64, with silver going to National Centre Ulster’s Matthew Hand (2:04.74) and bronze to National Centre Limerick’s Cormac Rynn (2:05.96).

Earlier today, the NAC quartet of Matthew Walsh Hussey, Fionn Byrne, Isaac Fitzmaurice and Oisin Tebite won the men’s 200m Freestyle Relay in 1:32.19 ahead of Limerick (1:33.15) and Lisburn (1:33.84). In the women’s event UCD’s Jena Macdougald, Amy Fitzpatrick, Rebecca Lowe, and Naomi Trait combined for gold in 1:47.47 ahead of Larne (1:48.03) and Sundays Well (1:48.15).

Swiss Aquatics Diving selektioniert seine Athletinnen für die WM in Doha

Die Selektionskommission von Swiss Aquatics Diving hat für die Weltmeisterschaften in Doha im Februar 2024 insgesamt acht Athlet:innen selektioniert, je vier fürs Kunstspringen und High Diving. Im Kunstspringen wird die Schweiz durch Michelle Heimberg, Madeline Coquoz, Jonathan Suckow und Guillaume Dutoit vertreten, deren Hauptziel die Qualifikation für die Olympischen Spiele in Paris sein wird. Im High Diving werden Morgane Herculano, Matthias Appenzeller, Jean-David Duval und der WM-Debütant Pierrick Schafer an den Start gehen.

Am letzten Wochenende fand in der Vaudoise aréna in Lausanne der Winter Cup 2023 mit Wettkämpfen von ein oder drei Metern sowie vom Turm statt. Dies war der letzte Qualifikationswettkampf für die Schweizer Wasserspringer:innen für die Weltmeisterschaften in Doha im Februar. Nach diesem Wettkampf haben nun vier Springer:innen die Selektionskriterien erfüllt und dürfen im Februar an die WM reisen, um ihr grosses Ziel, die Qualifikation für die Spiele in Paris, zu verwirklichen.

Durch ihre herausragenden Leistungen auf höchstem Niveau und konstante Ergebnisse konnte sich Michelle Heimberg ohne Konkurrenz frühzeitig ihr Ticket nach Doha sichern. Ihr Ziel ist nun, sich für ihre zweite Teilnahme an den Olympischen Spielen zu qualifizieren.

Madeline Coquoz hat sich mit einer kämpferischen Leistung in letzter Minute einen Platz im Team für Doha erkämpft. Nach der Schulterverletzung, die sie sich an der WM in Fukuoka zugezogen und sie zur frühzeitigen Rückreise gezwungen hatte, schaffte sie es rechtzeitig wieder zu ihrer alten Form zurückzufinden. Mit individuellen Voraussetzungen, die auf eine erfolgreiche Selektion und gute sportliche Leistungen abgestimmt waren, konnte sie überzeugen und sich die Teilnahme sichern.

Guillaume Dutoit fand nach einer geplanten Genesungspause seiner langwierigen Rückenbeschwerden zu seiner herausragenden Form zurück. Dies bestätigte er erfolgreich mit dreifacher Erfüllung der Limite im Selektionszeitraum für Doha.

Jonathan Suckow bereitete sich nach seinem USA-Aufenthalt in kurzer Zeit auf die Herausforderungen der erfolgreichen Selektion vor. Bei den Winter-Cup-Wettbewerben konnte er auch im Kunstspringen der Herren vom 3m-Brett seine Leistung erfolgreich unter Beweis stellen und erreichte die geforderte Mindestpunktzahl für eine Selektion. Gemeinsam mit seinem Synchronpartner Guillaume Dutoit konnte er sich im Synchronspringen der Herren vom 3m-Brett bereits beim internationalen Wettbewerb in Madrid qualifizieren.

Im High Diving wird die Selektion anhand der Analyse der eingereichten Sprünge getroffen und nicht wie vom 1- oder 3m-Brett anhand einer geforderten Mindestpunktzahl an einem der definierten Wettkämpfe. Nach Prüfung der Sprünge bestätigte die Kommission die Selektion von Morgane Herculano, Matthias Appenzeller und Jean-David Duval, die bereits im Juli an der WM in Fukuoka dabei waren. Daneben schaffte es auch Pierrick Schafer den Ausschuss von seinem Können zu überzeugen und darf ebenfalls nach Doha zu seinem ersten Grossanlass auf dieser Stufe reisen.

Foto: Patrick B. Kraemer