Thursday, January 30, 2020


A calendar of swimming, diving, synchro, water polo, triathlon, swim run and masters competitions.


16-19/01  2ª etapa do TYR Pro Swim Series – Knoxville (Estados Unidos)

14-15/01  FINA Champions Swim Series #1 Shenzhen (CHN)

18-19 /01 FINA Champions Swim Series #2 Pequim (CHN)

17-19/01 Open de Inverno – V.F. de Xira – FPN – Portugal


8-9/02    3º Meeting Internacional Luso Andaluz – Tomar – Portugal

14-16/02 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix   Madrid (ESP)




20-23/02 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix - Rostock (GER)

21-23/02 Copa UANA de Natação – Lima (Peru)

22/02 Torneio de Fundo – Povoa de Varzim – FPN – Portugal

22/02 Torneio Cidade de Mirandela – ANNP – PORTUGAL

22-23/02 Campeonato de Madrid Infantil de Invierno – Madrid – ESPANHA

23/02 Campeonato Nacional de Longa Distância – Póvoa de Varzim – PORTUGAL 

28/02-01/03 Campeonato Natação Madeira de Primavera –Ilha Funchal _ PORTUGAL


04-07/03 3ª etapa do TYR Pro Swim Series – Des Moines (Estados Unidos)

6-8/03 Copa Lomas Torneo Aniversario Lomas Raquet Club MEXICO

7-8/03 Copa Lomas Master - Lomas Raquet Club MEXICO



07/03 8º Torneio Natação Master  Litoral Alentejano


13-15/05 Copa Santa Monica de Natação – PR- BRASIL 

13-15/03 Mais Mais Masters de Natação ABMN – Belo Horizonte (MG) Brasil

14/03       1ª Etapa Circuito Gaúcho Máster de Natação – RS – Brasil



20-22/03  Torneios Zonais de Infantis Portugal

20-22/03 Championnat national de water-polo U16 Seniors EL EULMA - ALGERIA

21/03  3º Trofeo Natación Alabaladejo Joyeros , Alicante - ESPANHA 


23/03 A 6/04 Sul Americano Absoluto de Esportes Aquáticos, Buenos Aires, ARG


26-29/03 Campeonatos Nacionais Juvenis, Juniores e Absolutos Portugal

28-29/03 Finnish Open Masters SC Championships 2020 in Kotka - FINLÂNDIA



31/03-07/04 Campeonato do Mundo de Natação DSISO, Antlaya. Turkey


1-4/04  Compétition qualificative au Championnat d’Afrique Zone 1 et Maghrébin - ALGÉRIA

4-5/04  Campeonato Nacional de Clubes 1ª Divisão Portugal

4-5/04  1ª Etapa Circuito Maranhense Master Natação – MA- BRASIL

14-19/04 French Championships 50 m in Chartres - FRANCE

15-19/04 25th International Age Group Swimming Meeting National Swimming Pool, Malta

16-19/04 4ª etapa do TYR Pro Swim Series – Mission Viejo (Estados Unidos)

16-19/04 Campeonato Brasileiro Masters de Natação ABMN – Santos Brasil


18-19/04 Meeting de Felgueiras – ANN – PORTUGAL 

20-25/04 Troféu Brasil/Maria Lenk – Rio de Janeiro (Brasil)

24-25/04 Campeonato Aberto Sergipano Master ARACAJU / BRA

25-26/04  III Copa Regatas Masters NATACIÓN - Perú



1-3/05     Festival CBDA Sul Brasileiro Mirim e Petiz de Natação Porto Alegre/RS

06-09/05  5ª etapa do TYR Pro Swim Series – Indianápolis (Estados Unidos)

6-9/05     Torneio CBDA Sul Brasileiro Infanto-Juvenil de Natação Porto Alegre/RS

7-9/05     Torneio Sul Brasileiro Júnior I II e Sênior de Natação. Palhoça/SC

8-9/05     Torneio de Clubes Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior do Norte de Natação – Belém/PA

11-24/05  Campeonato Europeu  Budapeste (Hungria)

14-16/05 Torneio Centro Oeste de Clubes Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior de Natação  Cuiabá/MT

14-17/05 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix - Windsor (CAN)


16/05   2ª Etapa Circuito Gaúcho Máster de Natação – RS – Brasil


15-16/05 Torneio Nordeste de Clubes Infantil, Juvenil, Junior e Sênior de N atação - Salvador/BA

15-17/05 Festival CBDA – Sudeste de Clubes Mirim e Petiz de Natação – Rio de Janeiro/RJ

22-23/05 Festival CBDA – Norte/Nordeste de Clubes Mirim e Petiz de Natação - Boa Vista/RR


23-24/05 Master M2O Open Monte Hermoso – Mar Del Plata - ARGENTINA

26-30/05 Campeonato Brasileiro Interclubes Júnior de Natação de Inverno – SEM LOCAL

27-31/05 Tunisian Open Masters 5 - Tunisia

29-31/05 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix - Singapore (SGP)

30-31/05  2ª Etapa Circuito Maranhense Master Natação – MA- BRASIL


5-6/06 Festival CBDA – Centro Oeste de Clubes Mirim e Petiz de Natação Brasília/DF

5-7/06 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix - Kuala Lumpur (MAS)

6-7/06 Circuito Marenostrum Mônaco

06-07/06 Torneio Aberto Brasil Master de Natação – Ribeirão Preto Brasil

10-11/06 Circuito Marenostrum Barcelona, ESP

13-14/06 Circuito Marenostrum Canet en Roussilon, FRA

17-27/06 Campeonato Pan-Americano Masters – Medellin (Colômbia)

21-25/06 Campeonato Pan-AMERICANO Master de Polo Aquático MEDELLIN

21-23/06 Campeonato PAN-AMERICANO Master de Saltos Ornamentais – Medellin

23-28/06 Campionati Italiani Nuoto Master 2020 RICCIONE ITÁLIA

26-28/06 Torneio Sette Colli Roma, ITA

26-28/06 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix -  Cairo (EGY)


30/06 A 4/07 Campeonato Brasileiro Interclubes Infantil de Natação de Inverno – SEM LOCAL

sem data Copa Julio Maglione sem local

sem data Copa Pacífico sem local


3-5/07 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix - Bolzano (ITA)

10-12/07   Campeonato Nacional Open de Verão de Masters – V.N. Famalicão – Portugal

10-11/07 XXI Torneio Norte Nordeste Inter Federativo Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior de Natação – Aracaju/SE BRASIL

17-18/07 Festival Mirim e Petiz do Norte de Natação Boa Vista/RR BRSIL

17-18/07 Meeting Internacional das Fronteiras do Norte de Natação Aracaju/SE

17-19/07 Campeonatos Nacionais de Infantis Portugal


23-26/07 Campeonatos Nacionais de Juvenis, Absolutos e Open de Portugal

24-25/07 Copa Nordeste de Clubes em Piscina curta Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior – Recife/PE

24/7-9/08  Jogos Olímpicos – Tóquio (Japão)

25/07   Estadual Master Paraná de Natação - Mauá - PR - BRASIL


8-9/08  3ª Etapa Circuito Maranhense Master Natação – MA- BRASIL 

15-16/08 Torneio Mirim, Petiz, Infantil, Juvenil e Júnior/Sênior– Aracaju/SE BRASIL

11-15/08 Campeonato Brasileiro Interclubes Absoluto de Natação - SEM LOCAL - BRASIL

15-16/08 XXVII Copa Amazonica de Natação Rio Branco/AC BRASIL

15-16/08 XXVII Copa Brasil Máster de Natação (Caxias do Sul/RS) BRASIL

22-23/08 campeonato Sudeste Interfederativo Master – RJ – BRASIL



04-06/09   1ª etapa da Copa do Mundo da FINA – Cingapura (Cingapura)

05-11/09   Pan-American Masters Games – Centro Aquático Maria Lenk – RJ – Brasil

10-12/09   2ª etapa da Copa do Mundo da FINA   Jinan (China)

11-12/09 Torneio Norte/Nordeste de Clubes Infantil, Juvenil, Junior e Sênior de Natação – Manaus/AM


18-19/09 Copa CBC CBDA de Natação - Campeonato Brasileiros Interclubes Porto Alegre/RS

19/09  3ª Etapa Circuito Gaúcho Máster de Natação – RS - Brasil

25-27/09 Torneio Sudeste Infanto-Juvenil de Natação São Paulo/SP 


26-27/09  4ª Etapa Circuito Maranhense Master Natação – MA- BRASIL


02-04/10  3ª etapa da Copa do Mundo da FINA Kazan (Rússia)

08-10/10  4ª etapa da Copa do Mundo da FINA Doha (Catar)

10-11/10  Campeonato Norte-Nordeste-Centro-Oeste Masters de Natação Aracaju (SE)

14-17/10  Campeonato Internacional e Interfederativo Infanto-Juvenil de Natação – Mococa/SP

16-17/10  Festival CBDA Norte/Nordeste de Clubes Mirim e Petiz 2º Semestre -  Maceió/AL

16-18/10  Festival CBDA – Sudeste de Clubes Mini-Mirim - Mirim e Petiz de Natação – São Paulo/SP

16-18/10 Jogos Universitários Brasileiros SEM LOCAL 

16-17/10 XII Torneio da Amazônia Ocidental – Manaus/AM

17/10  4ª Etapa Circuito Gaúcho Máster de Natação – RS – Brasil


17-24/10 Gymnasiade - Jogos Mundiais Escolares Jinjiang/CHN

23-25/10  5ª etapa da Copa do Mundo da FINA Berlim (Alemanha)

29-31/10  Torneio Centro Oeste de Clubes Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior de Natação GOIÁS

30/10-1/11 6ª etapa da Copa do Mundo da FINA Budapeste (Hungria)



05-11/11 66ª Brasileiro Máster de Natação (Fortaleza / CE) BRASIL

6-8/11 Festival CBDA Sul Brasileiro Mirim e Petiz de Natação - Porto Alegre/RS

6-7/11 Festival Centro Oeste de Clubes Mirim e Petiz de Natação - Campo Grande/MS

6-8/11 2020 FINA Diving Grand Prix - Gold Coast (AUS)

11-14/11 Pan Pacific Masters Games Masters Swimming Queensland AUSTRALIA

14-15/11 Pan Pacific Masters Games Paradise Diving Club Queensland AUSTRALIA

17-21/11 Campeonato Brasileiro Interclubes Juvenil de Natação de Verão – A definir

21-22/11 Estadual de Verão Máster de Natação POA - RS - BRASIL

25-27/11 Jogos Escolares da Juventude – SEM LOCAL - BRASIL



28-29/11  5ª Etapa Circuito Maranhense Master Natação – MA- BRASIL


1-5/12 Campeonato Brasileiro Interclubes Infantil de Natação de Verão – A definir

4-5/12 Festival da Amazônia Ocidental de Natação Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior Infantil e Master -  Porto Velho/RO


8-12/12 Campeonato Brasileiro Interclubes Junior de Natação de Verão – SEM LOCAL

11-13/12 Torneio Norte/Nordeste de Clubes Mini- Mirim Pré Mirim, Petiz, Infantil, Juvenil, Júnior e Sênior de Natação Salvador/BA

18-19/12 Copa Norte-Nordeste de Natação Infantil a Sênior E Pré Mirim a Petiz - Maceio/AL

15-20/12  Campeonato Mundial de piscina curta Abu Dhabi (EAU)

SEM DATA Campeonato Sul Americano Escolar de Natação SEM LOCAL 

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Are you looking for a tropical refuge and a spectacular open water swimming event? Then we have something for you! Ocean Swim Fiji, a World-Class Event on a breathtaking paradise full of islands and beaches, with the traditional Fijian hospitality. This is your dive for 2020. Start planning your trip to paradise today! Learn more:

Pipefly gives you unforgettable tours and leisure experiences. If Portugal is your destination, then we are definitely “memory maker”. Pipefly will provide you with: Logistic support while you are training or competing in Cascais Region. Moments of relax, to you and your family, through different experiences, hiking in Natural Park, surf or sailing… Cultural tours for visiting this amazing region. For more information please contact us! Read More

NIZport - Buy the best swimming products with the #nizportfrancis coupon and get 15% off on the official website or in store: Street - Rua Varzim Sport Clube, 97 4490-588 Póvoa de Varzim – Portugal

Qatar Airways is proud to be one of the youngest global airlines to serve all six continents, and thanks to our customers’ response to our offerings, we are also the world’s fastest-growing airline. We connect more than 160 destinations on the map every day, with a fleet of the latest-generation aircraft, and an unrivalled level of service from our home and hub, the Five-star airport, Hamad International Airport in Doha, the State of Qatar. Click the link to learn more

Vuelos baratos, hoteles y alojamientos en oferta, Paquetes turísticos y más. Almundo te propone las mejores ofertas y oportunidades para que viajes en serio sin gastar de más. Buscamos brindarte la mejor y más personalizada atención para que hagas de tus vacaciones lo único que deben ser: espectaculares Aprovecha nuestras oportunidades en vuelos baratos, promociones aéreas, alojamientos, paquetes turísticos, alquiler de autos, actividades, cruceros y seguros de viaje. Llegamos a todo el planeta: México, Brasil, Caribe, Estados Unidos, Europa y miles de destinos más. Empieza a disfrutar ahora de tu viaje comprando con el mejor precio y la mejor financiación en Almundo. A saber mas

Allianz Global Assistance is a leading consumer specialty insurance and assistance company. We insure 21 million customers annually and are best known for our Allianz Travel Insurance plans. In addition to travel insurance, Allianz Global Assistance USA offers tuition insurance, event ticket protection, registration protection for endurance events and unique travel assistance services such as international medical assistance and concierge services. The company also serves as an outsource provider for in-bound call center services and claims administration for health insurers, property and casualty insurers, and credit card companies.
For more information about Allianz Travel Insurance plans, please visit

Malaysia Airlines has a long and proud history of a product and brand synonymous with outstanding, warm hospitality. Serving more than 50 destinations worldwide and operating over 300 flights a day.
Malaysia Airlines embodies the incredible diversity of Malaysia, capturing its rich traditions, cultures, cuisines and warm hospitality onboard. The award-winning flight attendants who embody this wear the traditional sarong kebaya as their uniform. It was designed to reflect pride in Malaysian traditions and culture. The batik motif and design elements include local flowers ‎such as cempaka, jasmine and hibiscus. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT US CLICK

Groupon is building the daily habit in local commerce, offering a vast mobile and online marketplace where people discover and save on amazing things to do, see, eat and buy. By enabling real-time commerce across local businesses, travel destinations, consumer products and live events, shoppers can find the best a city has to offer. Groupon is redefining how small businesses attract and retain customers by providing them with customizable and scalable marketing tools and services to profitably grow their businesses. Learn more about our services

Dufry is present in over 400 locations across the globe – hence, it is very likely that you will pass by one of our stores either on your departing trip or on arrival. Our stores include traditional duty-free and duty-paid departures and arrivals stores, as well as specialized shops in all categories. We look forward to welcoming you on your next trip!

Arena Swimwear is your shop for high tech, competitive swimwear, swimsuits, gear, and equipment. Take a look at our full catalogue inside Buy with discount coupon #arenafrancis to get 12% off

As the leading worldwide distributor of European rail products, Rail Europe is the only one-stop-shop for planning and booking European train travel and sightseeing products. From rail passes to train tickets and reservations, we provide unparalleled access to an extensive array of rail products from over 50 European train companies.

Anyone who is passionate about traveling already enjoys or will enjoy the facilities offered by SEM PARAR. We are present in the toll plazas of the main highways in Brazil, as well as numerous parking lots in malls, in the main airports of São Paulo and more. Click and see how it works

Rentcars is one of the global leaders in online car rental. On the platform, the traveler can compare prices and options from different rental companies in over 160 countries and finalize the booking in one place. Learn more about our services

Max Milhas we are the solution for you to travel more. We connect people who enjoy traveling with much more economy to those who want to sell miles and earn extra money. We want to make dreams possible and make good stories real. And you? Come with us?

Do you already know the Smiles program? With it, you earn miles on everything you do: flying with the best airlines, shopping at Shopping Smiles, booking hotels, renting cars or transferring points from your credit card. Traveling with miles is easier. To enjoy all these advantages you must be registered in the program. Join the link now

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Classification the focus of IPC Governing Board meeting

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Governing Board met in Bonn, Germany (23-25 January 2020) with the subject of classification a hot-topic on the three-day agenda.
Having committed in October 2019 at the 19th IPC General Assembly to make classification his top priority for his next two years, IPC President Andrew Parsons, together with fellow Board members, held discussions on the subject with several members of the IPC Classification Committee and IPC Management Team.
Parsons said: “The three-day meeting was highly productive with a strong focus on classification. The Board was impressed at the enthusiasm, commitment and support of the IPC Classification Committee and management team to tackle the challenges of classification head-on.
“Over three days we discussed many of the issues currently encountered in classification and the opportunities we have in the future to improve the system, to make it more athlete-centred, understandable and transparent for all involved.  We all appreciate that this is not an overnight fix, but what is important is that the Board, the IPC Classification Committee and the management team are all aligned on the direction we need to go.”

Following an in-depth discussion on classification, the Board briefed Gen Duff, the IPC’s Acting Director of Classification, to lead a strategic review of classification. To further support this process, IPC Governing Board member and three-time Paralympian Tim Reddish CBE was appointed to act as a liaison between the IPC Classification Committee and the Board.
The IPC President, Chief Executive and General Counsel also met with members of the IPC’s classification team to discuss the future of classification, providing a forum to share issues, challenges and opportunities.

Following feedback from the affected international federations, the Board has suspended with immediate effect a position statement originally approved in June 2018 which called for the phasing out of factor systems in major Para sport events and the Paralympic Games.
After a detailed review of the feedback received from impacted international federations (who do not currently support the phasing out of factor systems), the Board was of the view that insufficient consultation had taken place and further discussion was needed.
The subject of factors will now be considered further as part of a review of the IPC Athlete Classification Code that will begin in early 2021.
Factoring is a system used to determine results in several Para sports where athletes with different sport classes compete against others in an event. Used in the sports of alpine skiing, Nordic skiing, road cycling and triathlon, the system typically uses statistical modelling to adjust race times and allow for the merging of results into one standard outcome.

Following the cancellation of this month’s All African Para Games in Morocco, the IPC President met with African Paralympic Committee President and IPC Board Member Leonel da Rocha Pinto and Machacha Shepande and Robert Auguste from the African Union to discuss future editions of the event.
Parsons said: “Developing the African Para Games is essential for the long-term growth of the Paralympic Movement. Therefore, it is very disappointing that this January’s event did not take place due to unforeseen changes in the Moroccan Sports Ministry.
“To try and ensure such issues are not encountered again, I discussed with the African Union representatives the importance of hosting an African Games. It is vital that African Para athletes get the opportunity to compete at a high level within their own continent and I am certain that an African Para Games would have a significant social impact as well.”

As part of the IPC’s efforts to focus more on how its work impacts and contributes to the human rights agenda, Board member Juan Pablo Salazar held a workshop for Board members on human rights and the UN Convention of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD).

Craig Spence, IPC Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

Are you looking for a tropical refuge and a spectacular open water swimming event? Then we have something for you! Ocean Swim Fiji, a World-Class Event on a breathtaking paradise full of islands and beaches, with the traditional Fijian hospitality. This is your dive for 2020. Start planning your trip to paradise today! Learn more:

Pipefly gives you unforgettable tours and leisure experiences. If Portugal is your destination, then we are definitely “memory maker”. Pipefly will provide you with: Logistic support while you are training or competing in Cascais Region. Moments of relax, to you and your family, through different experiences, hiking in Natural Park, surf or sailing… Cultural tours for visiting this amazing region. For more information please contact us! Read More

NIZport - Buy the best swimming products with the #nizportfrancis coupon and get 15% off on the official website or in store: Street - Rua Varzim Sport Clube, 97 4490-588 Póvoa de Varzim – Portugal

Qatar Airways is proud to be one of the youngest global airlines to serve all six continents, and thanks to our customers’ response to our offerings, we are also the world’s fastest-growing airline. We connect more than 160 destinations on the map every day, with a fleet of the latest-generation aircraft, and an unrivalled level of service from our home and hub, the Five-star airport, Hamad International Airport in Doha, the State of Qatar. Click the link to learn more

Vuelos baratos, hoteles y alojamientos en oferta, Paquetes turísticos y más. Almundo te propone las mejores ofertas y oportunidades para que viajes en serio sin gastar de más. Buscamos brindarte la mejor y más personalizada atención para que hagas de tus vacaciones lo único que deben ser: espectaculares Aprovecha nuestras oportunidades en vuelos baratos, promociones aéreas, alojamientos, paquetes turísticos, alquiler de autos, actividades, cruceros y seguros de viaje. Llegamos a todo el planeta: México, Brasil, Caribe, Estados Unidos, Europa y miles de destinos más. Empieza a disfrutar ahora de tu viaje comprando con el mejor precio y la mejor financiación en Almundo. A saber mas

Allianz Global Assistance is a leading consumer specialty insurance and assistance company. We insure 21 million customers annually and are best known for our Allianz Travel Insurance plans. In addition to travel insurance, Allianz Global Assistance USA offers tuition insurance, event ticket protection, registration protection for endurance events and unique travel assistance services such as international medical assistance and concierge services. The company also serves as an outsource provider for in-bound call center services and claims administration for health insurers, property and casualty insurers, and credit card companies.
For more information about Allianz Travel Insurance plans, please visit

Malaysia Airlines has a long and proud history of a product and brand synonymous with outstanding, warm hospitality. Serving more than 50 destinations worldwide and operating over 300 flights a day.
Malaysia Airlines embodies the incredible diversity of Malaysia, capturing its rich traditions, cultures, cuisines and warm hospitality onboard. The award-winning flight attendants who embody this wear the traditional sarong kebaya as their uniform. It was designed to reflect pride in Malaysian traditions and culture. The batik motif and design elements include local flowers ‎such as cempaka, jasmine and hibiscus. TO KNOW MORE ABOUT US CLICK

Groupon is building the daily habit in local commerce, offering a vast mobile and online marketplace where people discover and save on amazing things to do, see, eat and buy. By enabling real-time commerce across local businesses, travel destinations, consumer products and live events, shoppers can find the best a city has to offer. Groupon is redefining how small businesses attract and retain customers by providing them with customizable and scalable marketing tools and services to profitably grow their businesses. Learn more about our services

Dufry is present in over 400 locations across the globe – hence, it is very likely that you will pass by one of our stores either on your departing trip or on arrival. Our stores include traditional duty-free and duty-paid departures and arrivals stores, as well as specialized shops in all categories. We look forward to welcoming you on your next trip!

Arena Swimwear is your shop for high tech, competitive swimwear, swimsuits, gear, and equipment. Take a look at our full catalogue inside Buy with discount coupon #arenafrancis to get 12% off

As the leading worldwide distributor of European rail products, Rail Europe is the only one-stop-shop for planning and booking European train travel and sightseeing products. From rail passes to train tickets and reservations, we provide unparalleled access to an extensive array of rail products from over 50 European train companies.

Anyone who is passionate about traveling already enjoys or will enjoy the facilities offered by SEM PARAR. We are present in the toll plazas of the main highways in Brazil, as well as numerous parking lots in malls, in the main airports of São Paulo and more. Click and see how it works

Rentcars is one of the global leaders in online car rental. On the platform, the traveler can compare prices and options from different rental companies in over 160 countries and finalize the booking in one place. Learn more about our services

Max Milhas we are the solution for you to travel more. We connect people who enjoy traveling with much more economy to those who want to sell miles and earn extra money. We want to make dreams possible and make good stories real. And you? Come with us?

Do you already know the Smiles program? With it, you earn miles on everything you do: flying with the best airlines, shopping at Shopping Smiles, booking hotels, renting cars or transferring points from your credit card. Traveling with miles is easier. To enjoy all these advantages you must be registered in the program. Join the link now

Monday, January 27, 2020


Courtesy: LEN Media
Hungary finally made it: halting the longest wait in its history, the hosts managed to claim their 13th European title, 21 years after their last win in Florence 1999. The final couldn’t have been any more thrilling, Spain did its best to keep up with the hosts, even had a ball to win the game in regular time, but the decision was left to the penalty shootout. And just like in 2018, Spain came up short, they finished silver medallist once more after an unbeaten run in the championships. The bronze medal match also offered the very best of water polo and this time Montenegro not only caught up with the Croats after being four goals down – like in the prelims, when they lost at the end – but this time they managed to win the game and line up for the victory ceremony again after four years.

Men’s final: Hungary v Spain 9-9, penalties: 5-4. Bronze medal: Montenegro v Croatia 10-9. For places 5-6th: Italy v Serbia 7-8. For places 7-8th: Russia v Greece 9-11.

Final rankings: 1. Hungary, 2. Spain, 3. Montenegro, 4. Croatia, 5. Serbia, 6. Italy, 7. Greece, 8. Russia, 9. Germany, 10. Georgia, 11. Romania, 12. Turkey, 13. France, 14. Slovakia, 15. Netherlands, 16. Malta

Individual awards
Best goalkeeper: Dani Lopez (Spain)
Top scorer: Konstantin Kharkov (Russia) with 21 goals
Most Valuable Player: Denes Varga (Hungary)

Hungary extended its lead in the overall medal ranks by claiming its 13th title. It came after 21 years for the ruling nation of water polo, the first in the new millennium. After three lost home finals (2014 Europeans, 2017 Worlds, 2018 World League) they finally made it, though by a fingernail, or rather one plus one saves, as Viktor Nagy delivered a crucial catch in the last seconds and then his substitute Some Vogel did the only stop in the shootout to send the sell-out crowd of 5,300 to the seventh heaven.
Spain took a brilliant start, jumped to a 3-1 lead, Dani Lopez delivered great saves while denying three man-downs and the offence worked well too. They could even have taken a three-goal lead but the Hungarians killed their man- up.

Then the other goalie Viktor Nagy also arrived to the game turning the second period into a perfect performance for the Magyars. Their man-up started clicking while they shut out the Spaniards for the entire quarter to take over the lead with a 3-0 rush – and as a confidence-booster Nagy pushed Alvaro Granados’ penalty to the crossbar in the dying seconds.
Still, Spain left the miseries behind, Blai Mallarach’s brilliant 6m shot found the back of the net to halt their scoreless phase of 11:01 minutes and from this point it became a neck-to-neck battle. Marton Vamos put away a 6 on 5 but Marc Larumbe’s brilliant lob put the Spanish back to even again. However, Hungary replied with an action goal too, Krisztian Manhercz’s blast hit the net for 6-5 and after a series of great saves and blocks Hungary earned a man-up to double its lead but they couldn’t set up a fine shooting angle under time pressure.
And Spain came back again and again in the fourth. It was amazing to see that they had the patience and grit to net three man-ups in the 19th and 20th  second of the respective possessions, the last one – which brought back them to 9-9 – was even checked on the VAR but the referees decided that it came just before the buzzer. On the other end Denes Varga netted a great one

from a man-up, Manhercz hit his second too (faith compensated the Magyars after an unlucky man-down goal after a rebound, here they were fortunate after a weak assist). Balazs Harai struggled to score goals from the centre in the whole tournament but now he managed to deliver one with a brilliant back-handed shot, that put the Magyars ahead for the third time in this period for 9-8 but Alberto Munarriz netted the buzzer-beater with 1:35 remaining.
Block denied Vamos in action, then Munarriz sent the ball over the bar from the centre and only 40 seconds were left. Mallarach then made a steal 12 seconds from time, it was a 2 on 1 but his speed was fading so he had to take the shot from 6m, still, Viktor Nagy needed his best to deny him in the very last second. Just like in the prelims, the game ended in a draw (11-11 then, 9- 9 now).
Thus, for the second time in a row, the European title was decided in a shootout. Spain lost at home to the Serbs two years ago in Barcelona, but they avenged that here in the quarters, so they had something great to rely on and entered the same five players who had been successful against the title-holders. But among the Hungarians there were seven players from Champions League-winner Ferencvaros which had four successful shootouts in a row in the last one and a half years (and that landed them the Super Cup and the Champions League trophy among others).

This had an effect on the outcome: the Magyars converted all five shots, while head coach Tamas Marcz – who eventually became the fourth Hungarian in history to win European gold both as a player and as head coach – sent the substitute goalie Soma Vogel to the pool for the last two rounds. And the hero of his club’s shootouts did it again: stopped the last shot of Alvaro Granados – the young Spanish enjoyed a great tournament but today he was 1/6 in the game, including a missed penalty. Though he had scored the winner against Serbia but this time his miss, rather Vogel’s save, made 5,300 people roaring while the roof of the Arena almost melt down.
The Magyars celebrated wildly, they finally overcame their demons and after three lost finals at home they clinched this title (quite a difference: in the summer of 2018 they just produced their second-worst performance at the Europeans, finishing 8th). At the other end the Spanish had to settle for their third loss in as many years after falling to the Serbs in Barcelona 2018, to the Italians in Gwangju 2019 and now to the Hungarians.

The bronze went to Montenegro after an incredible game. Just as the final, which copied somewhat the pattern seen in the prelims, this match recalled the great scenes from the second round when the Croats led 10-5 before the last break but the Montenegrins came back to 10-10, however, Croatia netted the winner. Then. Now it was almost the same, but only almost – the end was different.
This time Croatia rallied to a 3-7 lead by halftime and held on for 4-8 deep into the third period too. Few would have guessed that they saw the penultimate Croatian goal with 13:16 minutes remaining (something similar happened to the Dutch in the women’s bronze game one day earlier). But the Montenegrins never gave in this Europeans, and their veterans, Aleksandar Ivovic and Drasko Brguljan netted great action goals to close the gap to 7-8 just before the last break.
After a longer battle Loren Fatovic sent the ball home from a 6 on 4 (breaking a silence of 8:36 minutes) which might have been a calmer for his team as they led 7-9 with 5:40 to go. But Stefan Pjesivac pushed the ball in right from the next man-up, and after Dejan Lazovic made another save in a man-down, the Montenegrins could set up Vladan Spaic who netted the equaliser 1:36 from time. And just 35 seconds later they had it: Aleksandar Ivovic, who was just a shadow of his real self in most of the games, stepped up and blasted in his trademark 6m shot – it was his 5th of the evening.
Croatia got one last chance, a 6 on 5 with 45 seconds on the clock but Lazovic stopped Jokovic’s shot too and the Montenegrins started celebrating as if they had won the title. In fact, having four rookies on board, it was a tremendous feat from this team – en route they beat the 2019 world champion Italians and the 2017 world champion Croatians to earn this very well-deserved medal.
Italy couldn’t change its fortunes against the Serbs (never beat them at the Europeans in 80 years) as the former title-holders pushed the historical head-to-head to 16-0 with a narrow win, to save some pride.
Greece came seventh ahead of Russia – these two teams, plus Montenegro and Croatia earned the right to take part in the Olympic Qualification Tournament (besides the host Netherlands). However, if countries from the other continents refuse to take part (which happened before London and Rio as well), further European teams will be invited based on the rankings from 9 through 12-13th. Though according to the latest news, South Africa will take the African berth this time, and that would mean that unlike before, not the top four but only the top three teams can go to Tokyo.

For more details, detailed statistics, play-by-play descriptions and video clips of each goal, visit:

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