Friday, January 29, 2021



The Organising Committee of the WMG2021 Kansai proposed new dates to the IMGA. The World Masters Games 2021 Kansai would be held from Friday, 13th to Sunday to 29th May, 2022.

We are delighted to announce that the dates have been approved and the Games dates have been finalized. We sincerely apologize for any concerns caused while dates were being discussed.

Following the decision, the IMGA CEO Jens Holm said: ”It has been difficult to re-allocate an event of this size but with the effort and great partnership of the Kansai 2021 Organising committee and support of all other stakeholders involved we have been able to schedule the World Masters Games 2021 exactly one year later in May 2022, when Japan is at its most beautiful. We are looking forward to the moment when all Masters athletes will be able to gather again to compete in their favourite sport and celebrate companionship and togetherness.”

We will secure the spot for those who already made an entry. In addition, since the process of renewing the Sports Information guide which determine competition dates and venues also to maintenance/adjust systems etc. may take time, we will announce promptly on the Games website, etc. as soon as the date for new entry have been decided.
We will continue to prepare thoroughly. Thank you for all your support and understanding.

The Kansai 2021 Organising Committee

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