Thursday, January 28, 2021

Join the Octogenarian English Channel Relay Team 14 – 18 September 2021

Will you be 80+ years old by that date? Want to set the record for the oldest relay to swim the Channel? Join us for this epic challenge! Otto Thaning (South Africa), Roger Allsop (UK), George Thornton (USA), Carol Sing (USA), and John Thorpe (UK) invite you to complete our team of 6 swimmers to make the crossing. We have Eddie Spelling captain of Anastasia reserved. Each person may swim 3 one-hour legs. Best estimate is the water temperature will be 64/65°F (17°C) at the beginning of September. To register for the swim each person is required to complete the following qualifier in water 60F or less: 1½ hour swim, 1 hour out of water, then 1 hour swim. For more information contact George ( or Otto (

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