Sunday, July 30, 2023

WATER POLO USA Men Outlast Montenegro With Shootout Win To Take 7th At World Championships


Fukuoka, Japan - July 29 - The USA Men's National Team bounced back from two tough losses to defeat Montenegro 17-15 in a shootout, claiming seventh place at the World Aquatics World Championships. Ben Hallock scored four goals and added the clinching score in the shootout. Drew Holland went the distance in net recording nine saves in addition to a save in the shootout. Team USA finishes their time in Japan at 4-3 with wins over Kazakhstan, Australia, Canada and Montenegro.

The two sides traded goals to start, with Hallock putting Team USA up 2-1 with 3:38 to play in the first. Montenegro rallied with two straight for a 3-2 lead but Luca Cupido answered, tying the game at 3-3 after one. The goal trading continued in the second quarter as Max Irving opened the scoring for a 4-3 lead only to see Montenegro pull in front 5-4 moments later. Montenegro would lead 7-5 later in the period but the United States battled back with two straight from Irving and Dylan Woodhead for a 7-7 game at half.

Team USA kept the offensive attack clicking as they opened the third quarter with two in a row to grab a 9-7 edge thanks to tallies from Alex Bowen and Johnny Hooper. Montenegro answered with two in a row to tie the match at 9-9 but Hallock responded with a score for a 10-9 advantage. Adversity struck late in the third quarter when Chase Dodd was whistled for a brutality foul and sent from the match, leaving Montenegro on a four-minute power play. They took advantage, tying the contest on the subsequent penalty shot and then going in front 11-10 early in the fourth quarter. Team USA weathered the storm allowing just two goals in that span and tying the match at 11-11 on a 5-on-4 early in the fourth quarter. Around the three-minute mark Montenegro went back ahead by one but Hallock answered on a spectacular move inside for a 12-12 match. Final attempts by Montenegro were thwarted by Holland and the match moved to a shootout.

Each side hit their first shots, in the second round Hannes Daube converted for Team USA and Montenegro was blocked by Holland. Team USA hit their shots the rest of the way culminating with the Hallock goal to confirm the victory.

Team USA went 5/9 on power plays and 2/3 on penalties while Montenegro went 5/9 on power plays and 1/1 on penalties.

Scoring - Stats

USA 17 (3, 4, 3, 2) (5) B. Hallock 4, H. Daube 2, M. Irving 2, J. Hooper 1, L. Cupido 1, D. Woodhead 1, A. Bowen 1

MNE 15 (3, 4, 3, 2) (3) K. Averka 2, D. Radovic 2, S. Vidovic 2, V. Spaic 1, D. Matkovic 1, V. Radovic 1, M. Perkovic 1, V. Popadic 1, A. Ukropina 1

Saves - USA - D. Holland 9 - MNE - P. Tesanovic 7

6x5 - USA - 5/9 - MNE 5/9

Penalties - USA - 2/3 - MNE - 1/1

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