Tuesday, February 7, 2023

LEN Technical Committee Meetings, CSR projects and new Office team get New Year off to a busy start


LEN has started 2023 with a flurry of activities, with Officer, Bureau and Executive Meetings as well as meetings of the LEN Technical Committees meetings (running from January to February).

LEN President Antonio Silva said:

“Our new Executive Director Patrice Coste has wasted no time in introducing new working methods and procedures, ably supported by a new team, which adds new skillsets and experience to the team that was in place. In addition, we are in the middle of a busy timetable of meetings with all LEN’s Technical Committees and Commissions, who will be able to finalise and present their plans for 2023 at the next Bureau meeting.”

In summary below, you will find the key activities of the LEN Office and Bureau since the Christmas period.

LEN Bureau

The most recent meetings of the LEN Bureau took place on 18 December and 24 January online, both hosted by the newly appointed General Secretary Noam Zwi with support of the LEN office.

Key decisions or actions are:

Bureau Members received an update on the progress of the LEN action plan, with a detailed summary report of actions achieved since the LEN Bureau elections of February 5 2022 (as well as new actions to come) now being finalised to be sent to federations.  

Bureau has confirmed the LEN Awards nomination and voting process for 2022 Athletes of the Year, with a new public part of the vote to be revealed to encourage public and media interest in the event. (Editor’s note: at the time of writing, just 1 day after opening the public vote, there have been 15,000 responses to the awards on the LEN website, a very encouraging sign of engagement from fans and stakeholders.)

After a rigorous selection process, the Bureau accepted the nomination of members of the new Technical Open Water Committee. This will be chaired by Andrea Prayer (ITA), while the Vice chair is Danielle Keller (DEN) and the Secretary Volkan Unutmaz (TUR).

After analysis of 6 applications to fill a vacancy as member of the Technical Diving Committee, Georgia Fyrigou Consolo (GRE) was selected. Pending the appointment of a new chair of the committee, Anna Sorokina (UKR) continues to serve as interim chair.

Bureau also approved a recommendation to set up a new Diversity and Inclusion Commission, chaired by Sarah Keane (IRL). The additional members of the commission, as well as the road map and project plan for 2023 will be revealed later.

Regarding the Technical Water Polo Committee, Bureau approved a recommendation to include Aysem Ylimaz Ozalp as a new member and the following women candidates as members as part of the commission for women water polo:

- Revital Cohen (ISR)

- Rita Dravucz (HUN)

- Stavroula Kozompoli (GRE)

Up to date details of all LEN Committees, Commissions and sub commissions can be found here:

LEN Committees and Official Documents - LEN - European Aquatics


Bureau approved a number of recommendations from the Technical Artistic Committee including:

    Change of 4 reserves in team free and team tech, to 2 reserves: (More unified with World Aquatic rules).

    Nomination of a Difficulty Technical Controller or DTC: (This aligns with AQUA (new acronym for World Aquatics) rules and ensures LEN competitions can run as smoothly as possible. LEN will create a list of criteria and eligible officials).

    Introduce digital diplomas for finalists (To be more eco friendly).

    LEN AS Trophy: Calculate scores in order to have the highest results and be in line with AQUA rules.


The next LEN Bureau meeting has been confirmed as an in-person meeting on 10-12 March at the Gloria Sports Arena in Antalya, Turkiye.

New LEN Executive Director meets counterpart at World Aquatics (AQUA)

President Silva and Patrice Coste were in Lausanne in January 11 for an introductory meeting with AQUA President Hussein and CEO Brent Nowicki.

Amongst the topics discussed were how to better coordinate the overall events calendar moving forward, how AQUA and LEN could co-operate on joint CSR initiatives (for example the energy saving webinar and Learn to Swim project and Convention planned for 2023).

It was agreed that there would be a co-ordinated effort to seek alignments between both organisations, from the CEO position down to the different functional areas.

LEN Technical Committees update

LEN staff, officers and committee members have been busy in January and February as all Technical Committees and Commissions are meeting, with the aim being to prepare a detailed plan for 2023 to be approved by the Bureau.

The new LEN Executive Director Patrice Coste is taking part in all meetings to give him an opportunity to build relationships and to outline the new management style and operating system for the LEN Office that he is now in place.

Summaries of each committee meeting are being published on the LEN website, but the following key actions of meetings held to date are:

Technical Artistic Swimming Committee

Members were pleased with reaction to the LEN Clinic on artistic swimming held at end of 2022 – with a high participation (143 Attendees from 29 Feds) and positive media coverage.

New World Aquatics’ rules will need to be implemented at LEN Events, which means updating LEN rules. The TASC made these corrections which have now been approved by the Bureau for Elite and Juniors. 

New promotion ideas include creating new video content “I do Artistic Swimming because” with athletes (male & female) or explaining the sport in 2-3 minutes which could be used as templates for other disciplines. TASC aims to have more promotion of Male athletes in AS to boost awareness.

Technical Water Polo Committee

Committee Members summarised the activities, challenges, and learnings to date from the 2022-23 European Club season. They also received detailed reports from the organising committees of the 2022 LEN European Championships in Split and the 2022 U19 Men’s Championships in Podgorica.

Information was also given about the TWPC activities in matters related to Referees and Delegates as well as tests carried out on WP rules. In addition, there was discussion about a new proposal for National and Club rankings for the sport.

Details were also presented about the system of competition for LEN club competitions as well as proposals for the calendar of LEN club competitions for 2023/2024.

The Committee also finalised the LEN Referees School project for 2023 and continues to provide ongoing support to the LEN Office and OC on all details related to the qualifying system and Finals of the next edition of the European Water Polo Championships.

Finally, the Committee used the opportunity of the meeting to carry out the draw for the European U17 Water Polo championships. The qualifying matches will take place from 17-19 March.


Technical Masters Committee

The LEN Technical Masters Committee (TMC) met in Prague, from 20-21 January, to reflect on a “hugely successful” Roma 2022 European Masters Championships and to set out ambitious plans for future growth.

Representatives from each of the masters’ aquatic disciplines were present in the Czech Republic and able to contribute to the wide-ranging discussions.

The Committee reviewed the LEN Masters rules as well as the results of the committee’s working groups, discussed how the committee could be better connected with the Masters in Europe and laid out road map for the future.

Many new and exciting ideas were presented, and the committee members agreed to contribute to the increased progress of Masters within LEN.


The Technical Masters Committee meeting in Prague also saw Harold Mattla officially take over as Masters’ Recorder, succeeding Frantisek Sthol, who managed the registry for the last 32 years.

    An introductory meeting of the new Technical Open Water Committee takes place on February 2.

    The Technical Swimming Committee meeting takes place on February 4.

    The Technical Diving Committee and High Diving Committee meetings will take place on February 17.


LEN Events Update

Aachen expresses interest to be host for Junior Diving

Aachen (GER) has expressed interest to be the host for the Junior Diving championships – which would complete the 2023 LEN Calendar of events. A site visit to the possible host has been arranged for February 23. The site visit for the Diving event incorporated into the 2023 European Games in Poland will take place immediately afterwards.

A site visit is taking place in Dublin, Ireland, on February 2-3, to prepare for the first edition of the U23 Swimming championship in August.

LEN made a site visit to Funchal to prepare for the Junior Artistic Swimming championships which takes place on August 2-6.


Water Polo update

The draw for the qualification tournaments for the 2024 European Water Polo Championships Women and Men, which will take place between 23-25 June 2023, is being planned for the period 20-23 March 2023 once regulations and hosts have been identified.

The next site visit for the Men’s Champions League Final 8 in Belgrade has been scheduled for February 21, 2023.



LEN’s new Marketing and Broadcasting Agents Com’over has hit the ground running.  They have delivered a concise marketing strategy plan, which has been approved by the LEN Officers and, with input from other LEN staff, are updating important LEN documents which will be ready by February 17.

These include:

    Marketing guidelines 

    Commercial presentation 

    Broadcast and Media guidelines 

    Event site visit guidelines

The start of the year was also the right occasion for the marketing team to re-initiate contacts with our key sponsor partners to anticipate an action plan for 2023.

Malmsten on January 24

Our long-lasting partner for racing lanes and water polo fields is trusting our cooperation.

The renewal of the contract for an upcoming cycle is under process. After a first 2023 touch point, a visit is planned mid-February in their headquarters in Sweden for finalization of the agreement and establish the next steps in our collaboration.

Fluidra on January 31

After a year and a half of partnership, our swimming pools and accessories partner is interested in the consolidation of the collaboration. The first meeting of 2023 was the occasion to expose feedback from previous months and reinforce future working methods. A follow-up meeting is to be held by the end of the 1st trimester of 2023.

In the coming weeks, meetings with the rest of the current partners as well as new prospects are planned, to secure strong foundations for our marketing programme and to help with its implementation at upcoming LEN events.

LEN Corporate Activities

LEN Learn to Swim Road Map for 2023

The first detailed report of the LEN Learn to Swim Committee was finalized and distributed in January to federations.

By the end of February 2023, a proposed Road Map of actions will be finalised for presentation to the LEN Bureau in March.

Working closely with World Aquatics, LEN plans to organise a Learn to Swim Convention in Q3 2023 bringing together different stakeholders including European, and other federations as well as representations of governments and NGOs.

The final objective is to create a lobbying group (with support of the European Platform for Sport Innovation EPSI) to promote/recommend European guidelines. These would include LTS programmes as part of educational programmes throughout Europe. 

By March 2024, a presentation to the relevant office of the EU will be made as will applications for funding from UNICEF, UNESCO, or other organizations.

Energy saving Webinar set for February 13

LEN can confirm that after consultation with its member federations, a Webinar dedicated to the issue of pool closures and restrictions caused by the energetics crisis will take place on February 13, in partnership with the European Platform for Sport Innovation (EPSI) and with the full backing of World Aquatics.

The Webinar will focus on the following topics:

.       Lobbying/communication strategy from a European and National perspective to address the energy crisis.

.       Addressing funding options including Life programme/Horizon/Innovation Funds/EU Investment Bank.

.       Ways to share knowledge and best practice amongst the LEN family.

More details of the webinar, which is expected to be 2 hours long, including access points, agenda and speakers will be circulated in the coming days by the LEN Office.

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