Thursday, November 10, 2022

LEN European Aquatics proposes federations’ Webinar regardig closure of aquatic facilities due to rising energy costs

LEN, the organisation responsible for European aquatics, is concerned about a rising trend of swimming pool closure across Europe.

National authorities are invoking constraints caused by the health crisis resulting from COVID-19; consequences linked to this summer's drought, and increased energy costs to justify the suspension of activity at aquatic facilities.

LEN believes that the closure of these facilities has direct negative consequences for people from all socio-economic strata in Europe. Not only is the development of aquatic sport and leisure activity curtailed but “learn to swim” programmes are affected, at a time when the number of drowning accidents is increasing.

We have a collective obligation to provide a place for every citizen to learn how to swim. Without access to facilities the number of tragic deaths will continue to increase.

LEN is willing to cooperate with European governments and national federations in a co-ordinated way to prevent the closure of pools, either public or private. We can support initiatives to access European financing programmes.

Working in close cooperation with the European Union (European platform of Sports innovation, EPSI, and European Funding Development, EFD), LEN is ready to organise a webinar to discuss three main programmes which will help to counter the rise in energetic costs if there is interest from federations:

Repower EU

Life Programme

The EU’s funding instrument for the environment and climate action

At member state level: Structural funds

and recovery and resilience funds

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