Wednesday, July 6, 2022

WATER POLO USA Men Take Sixth Place At FINA World Championship After 13-10 Loss To Serbia


Budapest, Hungary - July 3 - The Men's National Team concluded play at the FINA World Championships with a sixth place finish following a 13-10 loss to Serbia. Alex Bowen scored four goals to pace the USA offense with Adrian Weinberg and Drew Holland combining for 11 saves in net. Bowen was the overall leading scorer in the men's competition in Budapest, finishing with 21 goals as he was named to the Media All-Star Team. A full replay of the match is available by clicking here. Next up for the USA Men's National Team is a three-game series with Italy in California starting on July 12 and broadcast LIVE on ESPNU. For more details, click here.

Team USA looked to build off their stellar win over Hungary on Friday today against Serbia, taking a 1-0 lead early on a Bowen goal. They kept pace throughout the quarter as the action was tied at 3-3 after eight minutes. In the second quarter Serbia surged ahead building an 8-4 lead with under three minutes to play. Chase Dodd and Ben Hallock came back with goals to cut the deficit to 8-6 going into intermission. Serbia rebuilt a four goal lead on two occasions in the third quarter and led 11-7 with play moving to the fourth. Bowen scored two of the first three goals in the fourth quarter as Team USA tried to battle back, cutting the margin to three. Serbia continued to have an answer as they went back up by four with just under two minutes to play. A final goal from Hallock would again bring the United States to within three, but they'd get no closer as Serbia took the match 13-10.

The United States went 5/13 on power plays and 1/1 on penalties while Serbia went 6/8 on power plays and 2/2 on penalties.

Scoring - Stats

USA 10 (3, 3, 1, 3) A. Bowen 4, B. Hallock 2, M. Irving 2, C. Dodd 1, H. Daube 1

SRB 13 (3, 5, 3, 2) S. Raosvic 4, D. Mandic 3, M. Radulovic 2, S. Randelovic 2, D. Lazic 1, R. Drasovic 1

Saves - USA - D. Holland 9, A. Weinberg 2 - SRB - L. Dobozanov 11, B. Mitrovic 5

6x5 - USA - 5/13 - SRB 6/8

Penalties - USA - 1/1 - SRB - 2/2

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