Monday, September 13, 2021


The event #LIMPEOLAGOGUAIBA will happen on September 18th, from 9 a.m. to 12 a.m.. The swimmers and rowers of Grupo Tchê Travessias will make the journey between  José Comunal Park and Veludo beach. They are going to collect the garbage deposited on the shore of Guaíba Lake, located in Porto Alegre city, capital of Rio Grande do Sul state, southern Brazil. The 4 km journey of round trip will be done on the water and also on foot.

The objective of this act is mobilizing people to protect Lake Guaíba in a relaxed and sporting way. The idea is that, much more than an event, it is a permanent movement in defense of the lake.

The World Clean Up Day or World Clean Up Day is the day when people of all ages and from around the world gather to clean beaches, mangroves, rivers, seas and lagoons.

#LIMPEOLAGOGUAIBA is supported by the Municipal Secretary of Urban Services of the Municipality of Porto Alegre, RS, BRAZIL.

Swimming for the postcards project promotes actions of environmental responsibility and social inclusion in different projects in which it operates. The Project's objective is to contribute to a more aware society and a cleaner environment. Learn more about how to participate and support this project on the website and also on social networks and

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