Sunday, July 11, 2021

Fédération Sénégalaise Natation - RESULTATS 3ème JOURNEE DE COMPETITION DE DAKAR PON-Grand Bassin

La Ligue de Natation et de Sauvetage de Dakar a organisé ce samedi 10 juillet 2021, la compétition dans la Piscine Nationale Olympique et les résultats ont été les suivants: file:///C:/Users/usuario/Downloads/COMMUNIQU%C3%89-F.S.N.S.-24-110721_Results-3e-Journ%C3%A9e-DAKAR-_10-juillet-2021.html


Michael Phelps Teaches Swimming

Most of us can swim, but there’s a difference between dog paddling on vacation and swimming for fitness. If you’re looking to unlock the low-impact, calorie-burning benefits of swimming, check out this course from Michael Phelps on This Skills. The 26-time Olympic gold medalist will cover everything you need to feel confidant and comfortable swimming laps. You’ll learn all the basic strokes, plus wall kicking, diving and other techniques, but you’ll also get a glimpse into the mindset of the most decorated Olympian of all time.

Learn more at

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