Sunday, April 18, 2021

The 2021 ECA Canoe Sprint and Paracanoe European Championships in Duisburg cancelled

It is with great regret that we inform all interested parties of cancellation of the 2021 ECA Canoe Sprint and Paracanoe European Championships which was scheduled for 2-6 June in Duisburg, Germany. Due to the health situation, the local authorities did not give a consent for the organisation of such an event.

The local organisers of the 2021 ECA Canoe Sprint and Paracanoe European Championships as well as German Canoe Federation did everything in their power to organise this year's Senior European Championships and welcome Europe's best canoe sprinters to one of the most recognisable canoe sprint venues, but unfortunately all the efforts were not enough.

The City of Duisburg informed them they could not issue a permit for the organisation of an event of such magnitude considering the current health situation and regulations, both in the City of Duisburg as well as in Germany.

"Together with the local organisers we did our best to organise the 2021 ECA Canoe Sprint and Paracanoe European Championships, a festival for the best sprint athletes. We have invested time and money to welcome our friends in Germany this year after two years without Canoe Sprint European Championships. Unfortunately, corona upset all these plans and made it impossible to host the Canoe Sprint European Championships. The German Canoe Federation and Duisburg Regatta Team ask for your understanding for this difficult but necessary decision at this time," said Mr. Thomas Konietzko, president of the German Canoe Federation.

European Canoe Association would like to thank the organisers for their efforts in trying to organise the championships under strict protocols to help ensure the safety of all the participants and their negotiations with the local authorities until the very last moment, and would also like to ask everyone affected by this difficult decision of cancellation for understanding.


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