Sunday, December 20, 2020

LEN Champions League Water Polo Preliminaries Quotes Day 4


BUDAPEST GROUP B – Brescia (ITA) v Barceloneta (ESP) 6-8

Alessandro Bovo, coach, Brescia:

“What was the difference between today and yesterday? The answer is Barceloneta, a team with great players, a great coach and great tactics. Their defence was very good, we couldn’t make our shots in the man-ups, they were very well organised in all parts. It wasn’t easy to play three matches in a row, but in general I’m satisfied with our performance.”


Maro Jokovic, player, Brescia:

“We lost because of our man-ups. Dani Lopez didn’t even have to save a shot in man-down in three periods and this tells the story. Barceloneta is a great team, their defence are excellent, they have the will to help each other and that made the difference.”


Jesus Martin, coach, Barceloneta:

“All credit goes to Dani Lopez, he was instrumental to our win. I’m really happy with my team, they played well in defence and I think we did what we had to in offence too. It’s not easy to beat Brescia so we had to come up with our best. Three wins after a long break in the Champions League, we cannot wish for any more.”


Dani Lopez, goalie, Barceloneta:

“I’m satisfied with the match and with all our results. Brescia is one of the favourites for the title and today we did a great match and clinched three more points. I think one of the keys of our win was our incredible defence in man-down. We didn’t let Brescia make any counter-attack either. This bubble tournament is tough with three matches in three days but we are in good physical shape so was ready for the challenge. We are happy with everything so far.”


BUDAPEST GROUP B – Hannover (GER) v Ferencvaros (HUN) 6-19

Karsten Seehafer, coach, Hannover:

“Of course, the lockdown since September did not help, ten weeks without any game, not three in three days, for us that was impossible to prepare for. Still, even in this shape we should have played better our man-ups as nothing was applied what we practiced. Now most of our players will leave to start practicing with their respective national teams for the Olympic Qualification Tournament and they will only come back for a week before the next tournament, so we won’t have too much time again…”


Julian Real, player, Hannover:

“First I want to say that here in Budapest the organisation was excellent, we felt very secure in the bubble, away from the coronavirus. It is good that water polo is back in Europe and we can play again. The games were terrible for us, we didn’t do our best. I think we must have won yesterday, today was OK as we played against one of the favourites. Still, I think we conceded too many goals from Ferencvaros, scoring six or seven is fine but got way too many. We felt tired because of the tough game against Jadran and we didn’t have enough time to recover. Maybe three games in three days is a problem but if you think of the Olympic qualification where you play seven games in seven days, you see you have to be prepared.”


Zsolt Varga, coach, Ferencvaros:

“Even though today’s match looked easy but I think I can be satisfied with our defence, that was the key for our big win. The team started regaining its composure in this tournament now we have time to start the real rebuilding process. We needed these games in the Champions League to see what mistakes we need to correct and what we need to focus on to reach the expected level.”


Vendel Vigvari, player, Ferencvaros:

“These were my first three Champions League matches and I immediately felt on my skin that this another level. It was a long time ago that I played in international matches (in age group) and it’s clear that there is a large room for development for me. In Ferencvaros, every day is a challenge but I love challenges, that’s why I chose this great team. Regarding this tournament, I think we started to take the right path. We won those games which we were supposed to, and we had some positives against Brescia too. I think we have enough time to grow as a team in the coming months.”


BUDAPEST GROUP B – Dinamo (GEO) v Jadran (MNE) 11-8

Zurab Rurua, coach, Dinamo

“I am very happy and very proud of my team, this a big win for Dinamo and for our country. Today we won because the players kept everything we agreed before the match, they were disciplined and played according to the tactics. This win means a lot for us, we will come back to March as not the bottom ranked team in this group.”


Andria Bitadze, player, Dinamo:

“This is our second year in Champions League so we are still a new team on this big stage. Last year we managed only three points in ten matches when we beat Marseille, this season our target is to improve and get more points and wins. Because I think Dinamo has a good potential and can become one of the best teams in the world. We just need time, good trainings, great workouts. This is a happy day for Georgian water polo, for this young team as this victory is very important for us. These are the first three points in this competition but I’m sure not the last ones.”


Petar Radanovic, coach, Jadran:

“It’s a bit of inexperience, it’s a bit of tiredness as we had only 16 hours between our two matches. In the life of such a young team there are ups and downs, today we have mostly downs plus there were other things but I don’t want to complain of the referees. I have to congratulate to Dinamo, they played very well and deserved the win. We have to work a lot and I really believe that we could improve for the next tournament in March.”


Marko Petkovic, captain, Jadran:

“We can be satisfied with our three points. If you offer that us in advance, we would have signed off for it but now, at the end, I cannot be satisfied because even if we got those points but we did not play as we should have. There are a lot of things we have to do better and not commit the same mistakes in every game. Now we have some time to rest and hope to be ready for the next tournament. I should say, that these three days tournaments are not easy since you don’t have time to prepare tactically for the second and third day. Anyway, it is the same for all teams so it’s not an excuse.”

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