Saturday, May 30, 2020

World Triathlon President Marisol Casado confirmed in five IOC Commissions

World Triathlon President, Marisol Casado, has been appointed by the International Olympic Committee President to five Commissions: Women in Sport, Olympic Solidarity, Public Affairs and Social Development Through Sport, Coordination Commission of the Games of the XXXIII Olympiad in Paris 2024 and Coordination Commission of the Games of the XXXIV Olympiad in Los Angeles 2028. 
Mrs Casado, an IOC member since 2010, is a very active member of the International Olympic Committee, where she also chairs the Gender Equality Review Project Working Group. She is one of the only two female Presidents of International Federations. In addition, she is a member of the ASOIF Council and Treasurer of the Global Association of International Sports Federations (GAISF). 
The IOC just announced the composition of its commissions for 2020, which shows a year-on-year progression towards gender equality, with 47.7 per cent of positions across the 30 commissions now held by women, coming from 45.4 per cent in 2019.
“Advancing women in leadership roles in sport is truly a team effort, and I want to thank all those who have contributed to this for their continued support, commitment and inspiration,” said IOC President Thomas Bach. “There is always more that can be done, and we can make progress only if we work on this together.”
“It is a great honour and a great responsibility for me to be appointed once again a member of the five Commissions. Not only because what that represents in terms of advancing towards gender balance, but also for the importance that it has to have the vision of the International Federation in these bodies”, explained Mrs Casado. “I commit myself to serve with dedication, transparency and loyalty to help develop not only our sport, triathlon, but also the whole world of sports”, she said. 
Since 2013, as a result of Olympic Agenda 2020, female participation in the IOC commissions has more than doubled (coming from 20 per cent in 2013). The 2020 IOC commissions’ composition, which is established by the IOC President working closely with the IOC Executive Board, also brings the total number of commissions chaired by women to 11 out of 30, some 36.7 per cent.
President Bach said: “By increasing female participation in IOC commissions and the number of female chairs on IOC commissions, the IOC is hearing the female voice more and more and ensuring that women and girls can be empowered by using the powerful platform that sport provides to promote gender equality.”
World Triathlon Honorary member and former Vice President, Dr. Sarah Springman, has also been appointed to serve on the Sustainability and Legacy Commission, presided by Prince Albert II of Monaco.
The International Triathlon Union

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