Saturday, May 2, 2020

World Triathlon Board meets on April 30

The Executive Board of World Triathlon met via videoconference on April 30 to review the preparations for the second half of the year and the next season, and to give the green light to World Triathlon COVID-19 prevention guidelines for Event Organizers document which includes amongst others guidelines for maintaining social distancing and measures necessary to guarantee the health and safety of all participants.
“During this time of the pandemic impacting the whole world, our team has been very productive. Amongst other things they are focusing on the provision of events for athletes in the future so that they can return to competition when it is safe and fair to do so, and also significantly improving communication with all our stakeholders (National Federations, Committees, athletes, coaches, officials) to not only ascertain their current situations, but also to consider the effect decisions and actions taken by the organization, will have on all of them”, explained World Triathlon President and IOC member, Marisol Casado.
With the intention to resume activities as soon as it is feasible, the Board was updated on the current status of the World Triathlon and Continental Confederations races planned for the next months. The Board was apprised of conversations currently taking place with event organisers and National Federations in relation to a mini-season in the latter part of the year, if conditions are favorable.
The Board approved the comprehensive and exhaustive World Triathlon COVID-19 prevention guidelines document. These  Guidelines are to help event organisers cope efficiently and effectively with COVID-19 “new normality”. The recommendations have been prepared by the sport department with feedback from the Technical, Medical, Athletes and Coaches committee, as well as the recommendations for social gatherings from the World Health Organization.
Amongst others, the recommendations include the monitoring, at events,  of participants’ health, and the daily taking of body temperature. The use of masks and gloves is also recommended in all non-competition activities 
Each local organizing committee should prepare a plan with the local authorities covering three stages: Risk assessment, Surveillance and Response, and the venue design should respect social distancing and hygiene provisions. Social activities, other than the competition itself, should be cancelled. the Guidelines will also have an impact on medal ceremonies and race briefings. Going forward, every single aspect of the competition will be reviewed taking into consideration the social distancing in the: start, swim, swim exit, bike, run, finish, penalty boxes, aid stations, etc.
The Executive Board also approved the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with World Athletics to cooperate on training courses and seminars for Triathlon Competition Medical  Delegates. This MOU provides World Triathlon-labelled Competition Medical Delegates with the opportunity to register and take part in the Race Emergency Medicine Courses (REMC) organized by World Athletics.
The REMC is a programme that comprises a distance learning component (e-learning platform) and a day and a half of practical sessions and visits organised on site at World Athletics-labelled road race. In order to be certified by World Athletics for two years, World Triathlon health professionals should pass one of the six e-learning and the practical sessions organised by World Athletics every year.
The International Triathlon Union
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