Sunday, March 8, 2020

Swimming By The Postcards Project – 2nd Swimming Charity Events in São Bernardo Lake - BRAZIL

Combining sport and solidary attitudes is the brand of Swimming by The Postcards Project. During the 2nd  Swimming charity of Lake São Bernardo, which took place in São Francisco de Paula, in south of Brazil, this Sunday,on March 1st , almost a hundred liters of long life milk were collected for the Casa de Apoio Madre Ana, where relatives of patients from  Santa Casa of Misericórdia hospital in Porto Alegre receive housing and food at no cost.

This event was a kind of challenge for each participant. The main objective was the union of the sportsmen and the collection of donations. There were no medals, classification, podium or an official fraternization t-shirt, but only a lot of examples of solidarity.
The firefighters Valdoir Paiva, Cleber Gaiardo and Eron Pessoa of the city Fire Department of São Chico, Professor Magda Cabral, from the Fitwell Canela Academy, the master swimmers Silvio Holderbaum and Francismar Siviero, they all accompanied the athletes in this lake of crystal clear waters. The City Secretary of Tourism, Culture and Sport of São Francisco de Paula, represented by its secretary Rafael Vieira Castello Costa and his sports coordinator Leôncio dos Santos Reis, to whom we express our thanks.

Those who are visiting or planning to travel to Serra Gaúcha, can not miss São Francisco de Paula, which is also known as São Chico. It is a passionate, welcoming and safe city that fills our eyes with beautiful scenery. An ideal place for those who seeks tranquility and security.
São Bernardo lake is one of the main tourist points in São Francisco de Paula. It is ideal for walking, cycling or exercising. You can also simply sit on a bench under the beautiful trees and contemplate the exuberant landscape.

The Swimming for the Postcards Project has as purpose to promote sports and charitable activities by publicizing the open waters in the state. Find out more about how to participate and support this project at

Text by Vanessa Siviero
Photos by Soraya Siviero
Translation by Magali Monaco

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