Friday, October 11, 2019

The Swimming for the postcards project allowed us to know amazing places for swimming practice in Portugal

The project aims to promote sports and benevolent activities, disseminating the open water swimming around the world. Find out how you can participate and support this project on

Portugal which is best known for its history and internationally recognized cities, never disappoints the visitors.
Culture, gastronomy, great wines, hospitable people, idiom and architecture are some of the good reasons for Portugal being an obligatory destination for Brazilians.
There are many reasons for visiting, however swimming is another attractive characteristic that bring more and more travelers to this land. Its coast is bathed by a turquoise Atlantic, with a mild climate and 300 days of sunshine a year.
Cascais, Porto, Portimão e Sesimbra, some beautiful portuguese cities that attract a lot of Brazilians. The reasons for that are vast, but if you want sightseeing and practice open waters swimming, you can check 4 cities that will let yourself enchanted. Lets go!

Cascais – glamour and sophistication, that’s why this city was named with the title of Portuguese Riviera.
Swim with a stunning view that seems to be a movie scene, with historic castles, old fortresses, sailboats, parks and colorful gardens. A scenario chosen by the masters swimmers Francismar Siviero, Sandra Letras e Pedro Henriques who jump into the water for practicing in one of the most beautiful Portugal postcards.

Just a few places can be proud of having an exclusive neighbourhood with its museums. Cascais prides – and with good reason, because there are 16 museums, 2 urban parks. They all can be visited by foot.

The nucleus includes old family houses transformed into museums, palaces that belonged to the royalty, a cultural center with exhibitions and a small mall filled with small shops. it worths getting lost in the alleys and visiting the local establishments. It will be difficult choosing where to start.

There is one of the great postcards of Portugal in Cascais: the Boca do Inferno. It is a rock formation that looks like an open-air cave surrounded by the waters of the Atlantic Ocean. For sure this will be one of the most beautiful landscapes that any tourist will see in life.

Sesimbra – a city located just 40 km from Lisbon, a true paradise for nature lovers, a place for nautical and leisure activities, with some of the most beautiful beaches in Portugal and perfect place for water sports.

In the Bay of Sesimbra, a space of living nature, considered “the safest beach in the country”, because the calm waters and absence of streams where the swimmers José Carvalho, Sandra Silva, Renato Araújo, Catarina Carvalho and Francismar Siviero visited.

The coast of Sesimbra presents a unique diversity of landscapes, where some of the most beautiful beaches of the country stand out. On the western coast, the territory is cut by the lagoon of Albufeira and continuing to the south, it appears the beach of Moinho de Baixo, next to Aldeia do Meco. It is characterized by its long sandy beaches. Right after, there is the beach of Bicas, a chosen place for surf lovers, and from there the cliffs become steeper and higher, that welcome small inlets such as “Foz” or “Lagosteiro” which impress with its beauty and geological interest.

Portimão – known as The European city of sports, where swim is a breathtaking of any marathon swimmer.

With a unique and privileged location in the extreme southwest of Europe and making the bridge between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, Portimão is a place with a fantastic climate and a very rich natural beauty. A few people know that Praia da Rocha is one of the most beautiful beaches in Europe and that from the top of Santa Catarina de Ribamar fortress or of the viewpoint of Three Castles it is possible to glimpse the clean and clear sand, the crystalline waters that reflect all the shades of blue, capricious rocks in a natural landscape of impressive beauty.

It was in the Praia da Rocha Sports Zone that the swimmer Francismar Siviero swam with 145 other athletes at the Portugal Masters Open.

Porto – The Porto sea is as inspiring as its wines. In beaches, the water may be not hot but they can be beautiful and great for swimming and water sports. From Gaia to Matosinhos, from Espinho to Vila do Conde, near the Porto there are beaches that enchant, some more populated, others more secret. With its cafes and restaurants on the banks of the River Douro, beyond a delicious cuisine and excellent wines, it is possible to make Porto the perfect destination to enjoy with those you love. Vila Nova de Gaia is a destination for those who want to visit the Port wine cellars and delight in the “francesinha”, a hot sandwich with lots of cheese, meat stuffing, a lightly spicy sauce and accompanied by French fries. It was on the beach of Miramar where the Chapel of the Lord of the Stone is situated, in a rock crushed by the sea, the place chosen to swim.

Portugal compared to Brazil, is a small country, however do not deceive yourself. There are many interesting places to visit and practice water sports. Choosing your itinerary for visits is a very difficult task.

Photos by Soraya Siviero
Text by Vanessa Siviero
Apoio VisitCascais – PipeFly Tours – Swim Together
Tradução – Magali dos Santos Monica

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O Portal é uma empresa de notícias/mídia sobre esportes aquáticos que abrange natação competitiva, mergulho, polo aquático, nado sincronizado e águas abertas. O Portal Francisswim foi lançado em janeiro de 2018 e rapidamente se tornou o site de natação, na língua portuguesa, mais acessado no mundo.
O Portal promove diversas ações e projetos visando inclusão social e responsabilidade ambiental que são compartilhadas em nossas plataformas de redes sociais. 
Social Responsability
The Portal promotes diverse actions and projects aiming at social inclusion and environmental responsibility that are shared in our platforms of social networks.

Saiba mais sobre a Casa de Apoio Madre Ana 
A Casa de Apoio Madre Ana proporciona um acolhimento digno a pacientes pediátricos e adultos portadores de câncer, transplantados, com problemas cardíacos, dentre outros, juntamente com seus acompanhantes vindos do interior do Estado e de outros estados brasileiros. São pessoas de baixa renda que necessitam de um suporte integral durante o período do seu tratamento na Santa Casa.
Os hóspedes recebem moradia, alimentação, material de higiene e conforto espiritual sem nenhum custo. Tudo com um único objetivo: aumentar as chances de cura dos nossos pacientes assistidos.
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Saiba mais sobre o Banco de Alimentos
O Banco de Alimentos atua como um gerenciador de desperdícios administrando três operações: coleta de doações, armazenamento, e distribuição qualificada de alimentos para entidades beneficentes, tais como creches, asilos, lares de excepcionais, entre outras ongs. A Rede de Bancos de Alimentos do Rio Grande do Sul possui 23 Bancos de Alimentos associados no Estado, os quais doam mais de 500 toneladas de alimentos para 900 instituições, todos os meses. Além da doação de alimentos, desenvolve projetos de nutrição em parceria com as principais universidades Gaúchas, levando mais Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional para as pessoas atendidas nas entidades beneficentes. Participe dessa luta contra a fome e a miséria, entre em contato com o Banco de Alimentos! Telefone: 51-3026.8020 – E-mail:
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