Monday, October 21, 2019

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) Launches New Look Change Starts with Sport

The International Paralympic Committee (IPC) launched a bold new-look on Sunday (20 October) as part of a wider strategy to the make the Paralympic brand more impactful and meaningful to a global audience.
The Agitos, the Paralympic symbol, has been redrawn and recoloured, while a new brand narrative – “Change Starts with Sport” – has been created to better communicate the transformational impact the Paralympic Movement has on society and drive the human rights agenda.
Through the new-look IPC brand and narrative, the Paralympic Movement’s global governing body aims to use sport as a catalyst to change attitudes and create more opportunities for persons with disabilities, in particular, through improved mobility and accessibility.
To strengthen the appearance of the Agitos and future-proof it for a digital-age, it has undergone its first overhaul since it was launched in 2004.  The new colours match the vibrant uplifting spirit of the Paralympic Movement and come together with a new font and wider colour palette that breathe new life to the IPC brand. 
To complement the redesigned emblem, the IPC will roll out a new range of brand assets in the coming weeks, starting this week when more than 500 members and stakeholders gather for the IPC Conference and General Assembly in Bonn, Germany.
Craig Spence, the IPC’s Chief Marketing and Communications Officer, said: “The Paralympic brand has the potential to be one of the most transformational and powerful on earth, impacting and improving the lives of the world’s one billion persons with disabilities.

“To achieve this, it is important that more people are exposed to and engage with the Paralympic Movement, understand its purpose and recognise its transformational impact in changing the world for the better.

“As part of our new brand strategy, we have refreshed our look and developed a clearer narrative that globally positions the IPC vision to make for a more inclusive world through Para sport. Going forward, we will make more of our challenger brand status and the authentic down-to-earth approach that has got us to where we are today. We will be bold in all our activities, disrupting the norm if needed to initiative change.  Finally, we will make more of the uplifting stories the Paralympic Movement has to offer and, like our athletes, be relentless in everything that we do.

“By adopting this ambitious strategy in the run-up to the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games and beyond, we hope to work closer with our members, broadcasters, commercial and strategic partners in order to make our world a better place for all.”

As part of its activities, the IPC is working with two leading London-based agencies.  North is responsible for all look elements while Adam & Eve DBB is working with the IPC to develop the brand narrative and future campaigns.
Craig Spence, IPC Chief Marketing and Communications

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