Friday, October 4, 2019


Lesley Huckins from Christchurch was last night presented with a Swimming New Zealand Life Membership Award for her over thirty years commitment to swimming in New Zealand. Lesley, the current Chair of the Swimming New Zealand Technical Swimming Committee, was presented with this prestigious award by fellow life member and Swimming New Zealand President David Gerrard, receiving rapturous applause from the over 1,500 people gathered at the Sir Owen G Glenn National Aquatic Centre for the 2019 NZ Short Course Championships. 

Swimming New Zealand's CEO Steve Johns announced the award with President David Gerrard presenting her with her life membership certificate, pocket and pin in front of the technical officials who were all standing in support for their fellow technical official.
After overcoming the massive surprise, Lesley said a few words to the crowd:

“I have to say thank you. I am very surprised. I am lucky to be included in the membership that we have. A lot of the members have served Swimming New Zealand for many years and have done so much work. I feel extremely honoured to be on that list. Thank you.”

After catching up with her afterwards, she added:

"Given the limited number of Swimming New Zealand Life Members there are, it is an absolute privilege to be included in this select group. 

I have been lucky to have tremendous support for many years from my family, friends and swimming colleagues.

I look forward to continuing my involvement in swimming and hopefully inspire others to follow."

Lesley Huckins has officiated at many international and national events over the past 30 years including the Olympic Games and World Championships. Her first international meet was the 1991 South Pacific Games where she was referee and starter. She has officiated at New Zealand national meets since 2004 and before that, officiated in Papua New Guinea since the '80s. Lesley is currently a member of FINA’s Technical Advisory Committee and served as the President of Swimming New Zealand from 2015 until 2018.

The entire swimming community congratulates Lesley on this extremely well-deserved award.
Copyright © 2019 Swimming New Zealand, All rights reserved

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