Saturday, October 5, 2019

Swim Ireland Team Announced for European Championships

Swim Ireland have announced 19 athletes who will travel to Glasgow, Scotland in December (4^th – 8^th) to compete in the 2019 LEN European Short Course Championships (25m).

Eleven senior and eight junior athletes have been selected for the 5 day event. with all team members travelling on from these Championships to compete in the 2019 Irish SC Championships (12^th – 15^th December) in Dublin the following week. The Selection Policy allowed for both a Senior and Junior cohort to be selected to the Championships, with selections made from individual’s performances in their identified summer benchmark meet in relation to the IOC’s 2020 Olympic Qualifying Time.

Shane Ryan will be looking to emulate his performances from one year earlier where he collected a bronze medal at the World Short Course Championships in China, Swim Ireland Swimmer of the Year Brendan Hyland also had a top 10 finish at those championships in the 200m Butterfly. At the 2017 event in Copenhagen, Jordan Sloan and Mona McSharry were finalists with Conor Ferguson reaching a semi-final.

National Performance Director Jon Rudd, Team Leader for the Irish Team said, “This event always helps athletes to gain some clarity on how their season is progressing towards the following summer, and we all know that our Trials in April and the summer of 2020 have an extra importance this season. Our team is a blend of experience and youth, with a number of our athletes able to progress through the rounds and challenge for the podium, whilst at the same time, it is an opportunity for a number of our very promising junior athletes to start to feel their way in senior swimming as their junior years will be over and done soon and this is the swimming world in which they will need to learn to operate going forwards.”

National Senior Team Head Coach Ben Higson will lead the Irish coaching team at the Championships, with John Szaranek (National Centre Limerick), Peter Hill (Larne), Cormac Powell (National Centre Dublin), Paul Dennis (Bangor) and Bethany Carson (National Centre Dublin) formulating the remainder of the coaching team for Glasgow.

2019 LEN European SC Championships, Glasgow, Scotland – Senior Selection
Name/Home/ Programme / Home/ Programme/ Coach
Niamh Coyne/National Centre (Dublin)/ Ben Higson & Steven Beckerleg
Curtis Coulter/Bangor /Paul Dennis
Liam Doyle/National Centre (Limerick)/John Szaranek
Conor Ferguson /Larne/Peter Hill
Darragh Greene/National Centre (Dublin)/Ben Higson & Steven Beckerleg
Danielle Hill/Larne/Peter Hill
Brendan Hyland/National Centre (Dublin)/Ben Higson & Steven Beckerleg
Mona McSharry/Marlins (Ballyshannon)/Grace Meade
Cillian Melly/National Centre (Limerick)/John Szaranek
Jordan Sloan/Bangor/Paul Dennis
Shane Ryan/National Centre (Dublin)/Ben Higson & Steven Beckerleg

2019 LEN European SC Championships, Glasgow, Scotland – Junior Selection
Name/Home/Programme/Home Programme Coach
Eoin Corby/National Centre (Limerick)/John Szaranek
Maria Godden/Kilkenny/John Duffy
Paddy Johnston/ Ards (Newtonards)/Davy Johnston
Amelia Kane/Ards (Newtonards)/Davy Johnston
Molly Mayne/Hamilton Aquatics/Ash Morris
Jack McMillan/Bangor/Paul Dennis
Robert Powell /National Centre (Dublin)/Ben Higson & Steven Beckerleg
Daniel Wiffen/Lisburn City/ Martin McGann

Ireland team members for the LEN European SC Swimming Championships in December. Free to use.
Issued by Swim Ireland, whose Performance Programme is supported and funded by Sport Ireland & Sport Northern Ireland.
Trish Mayon Swim Ireland

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