Friday, August 14, 2015


The Kremlin LIVE International Contemporary Culture Festival, which has been long time favourite with Kazan's festival-goers, was held yesterday at the FINA Water World Park. Russia's most popular jazz musicians lit up the stage with their talented performances. Sergey Zhilin, one of the greatest pianists and jazzmen of our time, became the headliner of the Festival.
Yesterday all the visitors of the FINA Park witnessed a unique music event. The cultural programme of the Kremlin LIVE Festival was opened by a participant of The Voice musical TV reality show, flamboyant and charming singer Aset Samrailova (ASET). “I performed my own songs and some covers and the public eagerly accepted them. As for sport, I dreamed of synchronised swimming when I was a child, but it did not happen. Now I just go swimming. Not only sport, but music as well molds a character. You should sleep a lot, avoid bad habits and stick to a special regime just like in sport,” singer ASET told.
ALMA, a project that combines ethnic melodies and contemporary electronic music, became one of the evening’s highlights. Participation in the project of one of the top electric bass players, Andrey Davidyants, and vocalist from JIVE Group, Karina Ziganshina, came as a special surprise for the audience. The latter strongly believes that ethnic music should get a promotion.
“We play Tatar and Kazakh songs, the format being different: fusion, folk, jazz, funk. I have never seen a project like this before: it promotes both our national music and culture among people at large. I think it's a great idea. Our Festival is held as part of the cultural programme for the World Masters Championships and it is great when grown-ups continue to keep fit and even participate in competitions,” Karina Ziganshina noted.
Sergey Zhilin, one of the famous and successful jazzmen of Russi and international-level star, and his well-known Fonograph Jazz Band headlined the festival. The music lovers enjoyed the most popular jazz melodies and songs in a new original version. They had a unique chance to listen to not only the virtuoso piano technique, but incredible sound of all the performed pieces.
“I immediately agreed to take part in the festival. I love the city and I also love sport. I am a former footballer, now I prefer swimming. I’m glad that Kazan hosts the two high-profile events, the FINA World Masters Championships and Kremlin LIVE Festival,” Sergey Zhilin said.
According to General Producer of the Kremlin LIVE International Contemporary Culture Festival, Valery Korotkov, sport is directly related to music and something new and unique can only be born when they are brought together. “Any championships are a celebration of good health and youth, a celebration of people with a proactive approach to life, so we created a programme whose concept is closer to that of the Kremlin LIVE Festival, one of the brightest cultural events of the city. For us it is also a new and interesting platform, a combination of sport and art, new festival-goers, new friends, new emotions!”
Press Office of Organising Committee for 16th FINA World Championships

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