Tuesday, October 21, 2014

World Cup mode was closed on Saturday (18:10) in Hong Kong and the two athletes on the podium, Allan do Carmo e Ana Marcela Cunha

The Allan do Carmo, 25, and Ana Marcela Cunha, 22, Bahia won the title of World Cup Open Water 2014, closed on Saturday (18:10), with 10 km of Hong Kong. The two swimmers on the podium in the final race: Allan was silver, behind the German Christian Reichert, while Ana Marcela shared the bronze with British Kari-Anne Payne, silver medalist at the 2008 Beijing Olympics in the sport in Olympic debut . Ahead of them, another Brazilian, Pollyanna Okimoto, who repeated the silver penultimate stage in Chun’an, China. Pollyanna lost gold in Hong Kong hit in hand with Hungarian Anna Olasz. The German Andreas Waschburger completed the podium male. The Brazilian Diogo Villarinho was in fourth place and Thomas Lurz of Germany in fifth.
Allan do Carmo won an unprecedented male title for Brazil, and Ana Marcela, now three-time champion (2010-2012-2014), took the podium at every stage of the international circuit of the International Swimming Federation (FINA), all held at the Olympic route 10 thousand meters. In eight races of the season, Marcela got five gold medals, one silver and two bronze. Allan already finished the season with two gold medals, two silver and one bronze. Brazil ended his best season in the World Cup, with 20 podiums: 8 gold medals, 7 silver and 5 bronze.
“The evidence was strong from start to finish, unlike others that start slow and speed up at the end. Finish the year positively with another podium and closing the season with a flourish of a proof of high-level, vying for top positions with more than one opponent and losing weight for very little gold medal, “Allan said.
The definition of placements in Hong Kong took and had to see the movies of arrival. There was controversy, with the blurring of Allan, 2nd or 3rd position. And even if Pollyanna won gold or silver. Not to mention Ana Marcela, who initially was placed in fourth place. After Brazilian protest, the tie was declared between the British and Brazilian, and Ana can celebrate another podium.
“The season was very good, but as I walked champion in the final round, I was anxious to know my place, to make history, be on the podium at every stage. Proof of Hong Kong was much stronger, Cancun or Setúbal style, and the season I did, I’m very happy. Now I will take a well deserved holiday and then return with everything to prepare for the Olympic trials, which will be at the World of Kazan, participating in events that have to participate next year, “said Ana Marcela.
By FINA regulation, and mandatory compete in the final stage, athletes compete for the awards only the final ranking when competing in at least six of the eight races. Allan and Ana Marcela entitled to a prize of $ 20,000 for the title. Diogo Villarinho, placed fourth in Hong Kong, also took fourth in the overall score of the World Cup and will receive $ 5,000. Among Brazilians, two Germans were, tied for second place: Olympic gold medalist Thomaz Lurz, who won the World Cup in 2013, and Christian Reichert, the only overcome Allan this Saturday in Hong Kong.
In females, Pollyanna Okimoto was placed second in scoring with 92 points, but at the discretion of the international federation, she did not attend because of the dispute was outside the three Canadian crossings due to a cervical spine injury. Proof of Hong Kong was the fifth Pollyanna, the first Brazilian to win the World Cup in 2009.
Thus, Ana Marcela was champion with 149 points, followed by Christine Jennings, United States (65) and Angela Maurer of Germany, with 45 points. In the male, Allan took the title with 121 points, Thomas Lurz and Christian Reichert scored 88, and Diego Villarinho, 86.
The Brazilian duo champion of the World Cup open water swimming in 2014, along with the team of marathoners, arrives in Brazil on Monday night (20:10).
Source: Brasil2016

foto Satiro Sodré / SSPress

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