Thursday, September 11, 2014

Interview with Valeria Baranovskaya

Truszczyńska who met her during the latest round of the CMAS World Cup in Gliwice (Poland) less than a week ago, from 17th until 19th of May 2013, we made an interview to one of the fastest finswimmers all over the World, the beautiful finswimming legend from Russia called Valeria Baranovskaya! In fact she was able to swim the incredible and unbeliavable time of 1’28″50 on 200 sf during the 2nd round of the CMAS World Cup in Lignano Sabbiadoro on March 15th-17th 2013. Ok let’s try to know her a little more. Enjoy this interview, and obviously admire the beautiful pictures that she sent us!

1) Hello Valeria, you are one of the best Finswimmers all over the World, tell us about your career since the beginnings.
Hello! I started finswimming when I was 12 years old! Before that I was a sport gymnastics for 8 years! I am into the Sport almost all my life! And so I came to finswimming with a very good physical shape, but I din’t know how to swim! During the first training sessions, my coach (Zadorozhnyaya Olga, the best coach for me) noticed me and asked me to try to swim with the monofin. When the first time I wore a monofin, I thought, “And now? How should I must swim?”, at the first time my technique was such terribly that my coach wanted to cry. But I quickly began to receive. I got in his element.

2) What do you do in your life? What kind of job/studies? How do you mix work/study and sport?
Finswimming is not just a hobby, it is also an important part of my life. I love this sport. And I like when little kids want to be like me! I am very glad to know that I’m an example for someone and that I can motivate young people to achieve their goals! One year ago, I finished studies in Sports Disciplines! Now i don’t work as coach, but I help my trainers with kids, and practicing myself for it! In the future I plan to share my experience as a coach, but I also plan to study further, and perhaps it will not be related to sports!

3) 1’28″50 on 200sf…Amazing and unbeliveable World Record…How did you feel the day you swam it?
As you probably suppose, 200 meters is my favorite race. How did I feel when I exceed the World Record? I felt so great! I was training so hard before World Cup in Italy, but I was very suprised after the 1’28″50. In that day everything was normal. I came to the pool, warmed up and swam. This is unbelievable feeling! I wish that everyone could feel like me. Yes it was an amazing performance, but I want more, I want to suprise myself and everyone another time!

4) Who are your favorite Finswimmers and why? Who is/was your point of reference?
My favorite finswimmer and my friend is Igor Saprykin! I had been swimming with him all of my life in the same swimming pool! He has always been a surprisingly strong athlete, an example for me! He taught me a lot, and not only in sports! I grew up on his advices! The winning by Igor Saprykin inspired me, I always wanted to be like him. So I really want to thank him!

5) What do you like about Finswimming? And what do you hate?
Finswimming is a beautiful and dynamic sport. I love our sport because of the speed, adrenaline, for feel fear before the race, for unbelievable happiness after a winning! We swim like dolphins. This sport gave me a lot of friends. How we cannot love this sport? But the big problem is that we haven’t get any money for this sport and many talented sportsmen have to the end their careers, because they need а work and need money. This is a very difficult decision.

6) If you could do something, what would you do to let Finswimming grow?
If I could do something to make our sport an Olympic, I will do it! This is a dream of all finswimmers! And I know that some people do a lot of things that can help our sport to be Olympic! At the Universiade in Kazan it will be presented our sport on the opening ceremony, this can help! So we will wait!

7) Why are you tanned all the year? Where do you usually train?
Many people ask me “How can you train in outdoor pool?”. My pool doesn’t have the roof for all year! I am swimming in winter, when it’s snowing, raining, winding! The water temperature in winter is about +29+30°C! The pool has special output when we go in water and where we dress monofins in winter time! Very difficult to go to the training at 6 am, when outside is -15°C and swimming in cold water! But in the summer is so cool! We swim under the sun, after training we can sunbathe and so my skin always brown! :)

8) You will take part to World Games in Colombia and Cmas Games in Russia, what are your targets for these two competitions?
I don’t love talkink about my targets!I think the goal for all athletes at such competitions is winning! But at the last World Games I got only silver medals and I want a gold one! This is my target!


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