Saturday, August 16, 2014


The waters of the Berlin’s Regattastrecke Grünau turned a deeper shade of orange today as the triumphant trio of Sharon can Rouwendaal, Ferry Wertman – champions in their own right over 10km this week – andMarcel Schouten claimed team 5km gold at the32nd European Championships.
It would have been no surprise to see team coach Marcel Wouda, a former big-occasion international medley podium placer for The Netherlands, reverting to his youth and doing a few cartwheels along the banks of the oldest surviving sports venue in the German capital: the Dutch tally is now three gold and a silver, the 25km for men and women tomorrow set to bring the open water meet to a close.
On 27:59.9 in the lead at half-way the Dutch team was followed by Greece (28:01.8) and Germany (28:03.3) at the half-way of the time trial event in which each trio left the pontoon at 1-minute intervals. Mid-way matched end result.
Of the podium placers, Greece was third off at the start, the Dutch 6th, followed by Germany. The 1-minute interval between teams made it possible for spectators to have an inkling of who was catching, who was fading but the teams themselves were too far apart to really draw on each other.
By the close, the Dutch [Photo: Schouten, Weertman and Wouda on training camp] had built a convincing lead, the clock stopped at 55:47.8, inside the 56:05.5 of the Greek team ofSpyridion Gianniotis, Antonios Fokaidis and Kalliopi Araouzou.
It was down to the host’s trio: could 5km winner Isabelle Harle and 5km medal winners Thomas Lurz and Rob Muffels add to German’s haul at home? Yes: bronze in 56:14.8, Hungary and Italy locked out.
What a week it has been for the Dutch in Open Water in Berlin. It started with gold for Van Rouwendaal in the 10km, then Weertman added to the pile with gold in the men’s 10km the next morning before Van Rouwendaal took silver in the 5km won by Harle and ahead of Mireia Belmonte (ESP).
Van Rouwendaal followed her team-tactic instruction to the letter. She explained: “On the course I felt very good: I had only one order from the guys: to keep in touch with Ferry’s feet.  And that worked very well.”
For Greece, Spyridon Gianniotis, said: “The results in the individual events here were not very good for us. But today we showed we could be strong as a team. We trained less in this year as we are in the middle of the Olympic cycle: we will be better next year.”
Harle was disappointed for Germany, her race having started with a suit problem: “I had a problem with my suit [it ripped] at the start but that can happen though It made me a little bit nervous. On the course, I squeezed everything I had to give out of myself but it was not enough. We wanted gold but we couldn’t get it.”

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